Abortion has always been a controversial subject. While many people believe that it is a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion, others have religious and personal beliefs that say that having an abortion is wrong. No matter where you stand on the subject, there are some countries that have made the decision for all women by making abortion illegal.
There are currently 26 countries where all abortions are illegal. It does not matter if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest. Having an abortion is never acceptable under the law in the following nations:
As mentioned, these nations make abortion illegal no matter what. There are another 37 countries that ban abortion unless an abortion would save the life of the mother. These nations are:
Other nations make abortion illegal except in instances when it would save the life of a woman or preserve her physical health. These nations are:
These nations include:
In other nations, abortion is illegal except when it is used to save the mother’s life or to preserve her physical or mental health. Those countries include: