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Is America's MGTOW movement increasingly ongoing in retaliation of feminism?

Men Going Their Own Way

M.G.T.O.W - Men Going Their Own Way
 is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: "No". Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a "man" is. Looking to no one else for social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility. And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn't.


Posted - June 2, 2019


  • 17641
    I've never heard of this, but I'm going with the men. 
      June 2, 2019 10:37 AM MDT

  • 53625

      Give me a hug, my friend!


      June 2, 2019 10:57 AM MDT

  • 17641
    Coming your way.   I have really not participated in all of this feminism stuff.  I do believe there are stark differences besides the obvious physical ones.  Yes, women should feel equally free to vote and own property and receive equal pay not for just "having the same job" as men, but "doing the same job" as a man.  But I don't want to be a man.  I like being a woman and I like my man to be masculine.....not skinny jeans and a tight shirt.....looking much more like a Barbie than a Ken.  Nope. 
      June 2, 2019 6:48 PM MDT

  • wow that's a lot of words for incel 
      June 2, 2019 11:05 AM MDT

  • It's also a movement that shuns relationships with women and blames men's issues on women. That's the part you won't hear about in the starry-eyed noble sales pitch, though. 
      June 2, 2019 11:41 AM MDT

  • 53625

      Wait, no relationships with women? I'D DIE!!!!!


      June 2, 2019 12:02 PM MDT

  • 268
    There’s always a lot of negative reaction to these “movements” on the internet, but I don’t understand why. The kinds of men who buy into this stuff are the kinds of men who would be simply bad partners at best, and abusive at worst. By taking themselves out of the game, they’re doing women a favor. Don’t decry it, don’t fight it, let them go.

    Let them go.
      June 2, 2019 12:25 PM MDT

  • Has anyone actually ever seen a MGTOW or incel in public?  
      June 2, 2019 1:03 PM MDT

  • has anyone actually ever seen a rad fem in public? nope. they're both just the online dreams of sad ugly single men and women who want to blame each other instead of actually putting in effort to be better people and maybe not be lonely losers who die by themselves blaming the world for their short comings 
      June 2, 2019 2:25 PM MDT

  • That's what I'm saying.  These people only really exist in scattered basements and dens they hide and grow paler in here and there.

    They only seen to exist in any numbers in small corners of the internet where they can pool together from across the globe.  Their biggest hold back being they never showered and left the front door.
      June 2, 2019 2:31 PM MDT

  • 5450
    It's more like the male version of a fish without a bicycle.  

    They're just people who're unhappy about being single trying really really hard to pretend they're happy about being single while the people who really are happy being single are all out having a picnic with their friends or going waterskiing with their friends or spending the day coaching their softball or baseball team or doing fun things with their friends that happy fun-loving single people do!
      June 2, 2019 1:23 PM MDT

  • ^^^^this
      June 2, 2019 2:08 PM MDT