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What would be YOUR very first action as president? Why?

I would immediately RESTORE everything Obama did as president that the extremely stable genius sb prez smashed to he**! first thing due to extremel envy/jealousy/ego. Get back into all our alliances with our long-time friends. It will take a VERY LONG TIME to restore what the extremely stable genius sb prez destroyed. Faith in us is going to be very hard to get back. Will we ever?

Posted - June 22, 2019


  • 46117
    I would  do as you say too, just not my first action as President.  He decimated a lot and that will take a LONG time to repeal and replace all his nonsense.  

    The very first thing I would do is hold a PARTY the likes the Nation has never seen before.  We need to celebrate the END OF TRUMP before we move ahead.

    I think we should have a HUUUUGE marching band on Pennsylvania Avenue playing DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD complete with a piñata of his fat body and face so we could shoot Cheeseburger bombs at it until it was decimated.

    That is the first action I would take.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 23, 2019 3:19 AM MDT
      June 22, 2019 10:39 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I would defer to you Sharon! Sounds like a first-rate plan. We could also use some of the BABY BLIMPS so favored in the U.K. Thank you for your reply and the graphics and Happy Sunday! NOW LET 'S PARTY! :) Happy Sunday! :)
      June 23, 2019 3:21 AM MDT

  • 11328
    I'd invite the Obamas to the White house to help me re plant Michelle's garden well they give me advice and tips on how to run a country. The why would be because I do my best listening and pondering in gardens. Cheers and happy weekend! This post was edited by Nanoose at June 23, 2019 3:21 AM MDT
      June 22, 2019 1:25 PM MDT

  • 113301
    ((hugs)) What a great plan Nanoose! The extremely stable genius fat sb prez ripped out those gardens. Anything representing health offends him apparently. If he could plant a cheeseburger orchard he would. Thank you for your reply and Happyy Sunday! :)
      June 23, 2019 3:22 AM MDT

  • 4624
    1. Put a moratorium on all future exploration and mining of fossil fuels.
    2. Introduce mandatory solar passive and active building codes for all facets of architecture.
    3. Make solar panels, converters and batteries tax deductible for all buildings.
    4. Give ten-year tax breaks to companies who build wind farms in the deserts and off-shore.
    5. Convene an international forum to agree on a layout of shipping lanes and protected zones of oceanic agriculture.
    6. I'd facilitate legislation for mid-ocean (50-80 metres depth on the edge of the continental shelf) aquaculture of bivalves and seaweed. This system, already proven commercially successful in Japan and California, provides food for people, is a balanced ecosystem that does not pollute, and the seaweed rapidly helps to draw carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. !0% coverage of the world's oceanic waters would be sufficient to begin to bring the Earth back to a natural carbon cycle - though due to the momentum it would still take 100 years to make that difference.
    7. I'd legislate so that corporations have the same legal culpability as individuals.
    8. I'd close loopholes so that big business could not evade paying its taxes.
    9. I'd start infrastructure programs to provide work for the unemployed.
    10. I'd abstain from wars in other countries unless explicitly invited by an original government to help defend. This would save masses of money to be used for social programs.
    11. I'd find all forms of scientific research except the push into outer space. I'd emphasise green and environmental repair research. I'd encourage Elon Musk to the clean-up and recycle the space debris orbiting the Earth.
    12. I'd put an end to the felling of old growth timbers, and create tax incentives for non-monoculture forestry.
    13. I'd work on a green revolution for agriculture to provide food without damaging the soils and climate.

    Concurrently, I'd invite Obama back as my second and have him help me push all his programs to completion.
      June 22, 2019 10:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
    You have my vote bw! I'd be extremely PROUD to cast my vote for a person who has such a clear idea of where we are and where we should be going and HOW TO GET THERE. Very impressive and very intelligent. I wonder if ANYONE in the current extremely stable genius sb prez gubment has any plan for anything that would be useful helpful CONSTRUCTIVE? The odds of that are probably non-existent. Thank you for your thoughtful reply to my question. Your plan is spectacular! :)
      June 23, 2019 3:26 AM MDT