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If you're GREAT reading a prepared speech but lousy at thinking on your feet what kind of president would you be?

Posted - June 29, 2019


  • 11318
    The orange kind. Cheers and happy weekend!
      June 29, 2019 11:22 AM MDT

  • 113301
     Orange is not my favorite color Nanoose. I'm just sayin' if it's orange and it's food it's fine. Otherwise? Thank you for your reply!  :)
      June 29, 2019 11:31 AM MDT

  • 46117
    Much MUCH better than the Present one who cannot read, speak or think.

    You know?

    But we can do MUCH MUCH better than this choice.  

    I REALLY am liking Kamala Harris.  She showed she can think on her feet.  Over and over.  She took on BARR.  She took on Biden and she did it with RESEARCHED DATA and EXPERIENCE.  She is a FORCE to be reckoned with.  She, Elzabeth W. and Bernie are the top contenders to me.  
      June 29, 2019 11:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Well I voted for her for ATTORNEY GENERAL and  SENATOR  so I'd like to make it a hat trick and vote for her for President. Thank you for your reply Sharon.
      June 29, 2019 11:30 AM MDT

  • 46117
    At least I won't be disappointed if she is our new leader. She has CHOPS.  

    Great to know you voted for her.  Compare HER to Trump's Attorney General pick.  

      June 29, 2019 11:33 AM MDT

  • To say nothing of the fact that she's the most revered and time honored civil rights icon of the last fifty years. The element of truth that you present is the part about her presentation being based on researched data. Carefully contrived and rehearsed data. But to be fair, everything you saw on that stage, except Joe Biden's senility, was carefully prepared and coached. The story of the little girl on the bus was about as maudlin as Nixon's Checkers speech. And about as authentic. But what do I know, I was watching something intellectually stimulating, a Tom and Jerry cartoon show. 
      June 29, 2019 1:03 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Again you started out great.  

    I always know it's you when it goes south. You should call yourself Southwith Camel.  LOL  Hee hee.

    Anyway, the sad thing is.... the DEMS are totally OPEN to some REPUBLICAN that has some CHOPS. We will listen.  We will crush you, but we will listen.  At least. 

    You don't listen.  Kamala has not opened her mouth much without causing awe.  She took down BARR like there was no tomorrow.  SHE REAMED HIM.  Were you bored when he started to blubbler and stammer?  LOLOLOLOL   She creamed BARR and she creamed Biden yesterday and on the debate stage?  TRUMP WILL NOT EVEN SHOW UP.  He'd better have Putin kill her somehow.  

    Back to the Attorney General that TRUMP illegally appointed: 

    He cannot use his 'NEXUS  of the matter' b.s. and his illegal innuendos regarding DEMS hacking-- when there is NO evidence,  and big words that no moron from the GOP ever used before, to shock and awe a woman that can crush his every EXAMPLE of blah blah blah Trump hogwash AND THEN?  AND THEN slam dunk his fat face with it.  SHE PROVED HE IS A TOTAL LYING MORON.  AND HAS NO RIGHT TO RULE ANYTHING.


    Biden is out.  Warren, Bernie, and Kamala at LEAST are in.  VERY IN and TRUMP?


    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at June 30, 2019 12:17 PM MDT
      June 30, 2019 12:05 PM MDT

  • 2706
    If you could ask every President that America has ever had you would be surprised at how many weren't good at thinking on their feet but were still great Presidents. That's why Presidents have advisors. To help with getting the feel of what the citizens want and need. Obviously, it's a bit more complicated than that but presidential advisors have always been a mainstay of any President. My point being, not always being able to think on your feet doesn't mean he isn't a good President.  :)
      June 29, 2019 12:30 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Most presidents listen to the advice of their advisors.  Most presidents probably listen to the daily briefing.  Most presidents probably had an attention span longer than a flea.  Most presidents have the ability to comprehend what they are given to read.  This president has no interest in educating himself about world events, world history, American history or anything else.  He is a dullard, has no interest in anyone other than himself.  He courts world dictators and takes their word over the country's own intelligence agencies.  His giddiness at Kim inviting him to step into North Korea is on a par with a 15-year old girl being asked out on a date by a boy for whom she has been pining.  
      June 30, 2019 12:00 PM MDT

  • 46117
      June 30, 2019 12:18 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Utterly dependent on my advisors.

    Trouble is, I think Trump often resists his advisors and is only slowly beginning to realise his need for them.
      June 29, 2019 9:35 PM MDT

  • 19937
    That is Trump's problem - he doesn't take the advice of his advisors.  He has chosen some of the worst advisors of any administration - ever.  All the adults in the room are now gone and he's left himself with a C-List of temporary officeholders who probably couldn't tell their butts from a hole in the ground.
      June 30, 2019 12:03 PM MDT