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What was the last time you saw or read something so despicable, you thought “They really need their a** kicked”?

Anything will do

Posted - July 20, 2019


  • 44660
    That should be obvious. Every time trump opens his mouth. He needs more than an a** whoopin', though.
      July 20, 2019 6:43 AM MDT

  • 5391
    I will refrain from expounding on this point, as I have no interests in meeting Secret Service agents. That said, there are probably a lot of folks who’d say the same. 

      July 20, 2019 7:21 AM MDT

  • 16841
    He needs impeaching, followed by a lengthy term in San Quentin.
      July 20, 2019 7:27 AM MDT

  • 16841
    Preachers misusing the Bible to justify hate speech.
      July 20, 2019 7:24 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Fair to say many evils have been justified this way. 
      July 20, 2019 7:33 AM MDT

  • 6988
    I see this question attracts liberal responses. Trump has not done anything negative to this nation. The media has with it's 'fakeness'. What part of '9-11' do you not understand? You think we need more foreigners here? 
      July 20, 2019 8:10 AM MDT

  • 16841
    9/11 perpetrated by SAUDIS, one of few Arab nations that His Royal Orangeness is still in bed with.
    Trump has ruined America's reputation internationally, and his pointless d**k measuring contest with Jinping is hurting the bottom line economically.
      July 20, 2019 8:14 AM MDT

  • 2836
    We are all foreigners here. 
    Especially Trumps wives This post was edited by Jon at July 20, 2019 1:33 PM MDT
      July 20, 2019 8:15 AM MDT

  • 44660
      July 20, 2019 1:34 PM MDT

  • 5391
    All Trump has done is to lower the common discourse and the view of America in the international community; divide Americans, insult longstanding allies, cozy up to brutal dictators and flout the Constitution. 
    My guess is you weren’t among the thousands of gov’t contractors and employees who went without paychecks last Christmas. You probably aren’t a farmer who is losing a market for his crops, or a black or Hispanic person, or a woman, who get the brunt of Trump‘s bile. 
    Your response is welcome, but please don’t lie to us anymore. Your guy in the WH does enough of that for both of you.

    Can you answer the question?  This post was edited by Don Barzini at July 20, 2019 1:34 PM MDT
      July 20, 2019 8:26 AM MDT

  • 19937
    When you see video of something disgusting that Trump has said like he did with his remarks about the four representatives, and he denies saying it, do believe that the media has altered the video?  If Trump spoke more like a traditional president who represented everyone in this country, not just a particular group, maybe the media would treat him differently.  Trump  is his own worst enemy - HE and only HE is the one who feeds the news.  The media, particularly when it comes to videos, doesn't have to make things up - it's on tape for all to see.  If you happen to close your eyes and ears and hear or see something other than what Trump says or does, don't blame the media.
      July 20, 2019 11:11 AM MDT

  • 11129
    Yes, we need more foreigners here. It's good for the economy and without an infusion of younger workers Social Security will no longer be funded.
      July 20, 2019 11:32 AM MDT

  • 44660
    Who is going to pick the tomatoes down in Napoleon for the Campell's Soup Company there?
      July 20, 2019 1:39 PM MDT

  • 6988
    They do have harvesters. My wife once worked at Heinz, and it was her job to pick out the green tomatoes and snakes from the 'racks' as the tomatoes entered the factory and became product. 
      July 20, 2019 6:47 PM MDT

  • 44660
      July 20, 2019 8:56 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Each and everytime I see that stupid-ass trump bellowing and ranting about something or another.

    It makes you pine for the good old days
      July 20, 2019 8:14 AM MDT

  • 5391
    Again, a popular view. 
    But some want to insist the dislike of the Pres and his Administration is at the sole behest of the media, as if no one who disagrees with Trump has the ability to discern their own positions for themselves. Or, that he is somehow faultless. 

    Ironic in the extreme that these opinions are parroted nearly verbatim from media sources. This post was edited by Don Barzini at July 20, 2019 1:35 PM MDT
      July 20, 2019 10:55 AM MDT

  • 2836
    It amuses me to no end when I hear someone called a "Liberal" because they reject trumpism *smh*

    Negative press = Fake news ? I think not
      July 20, 2019 11:33 AM MDT

  • 5391
    ”Liberal” (or the more amusing version, “libtard”) is used with the same derision as ”leper” in certain circles.  This post was edited by Don Barzini at July 20, 2019 6:42 PM MDT
      July 20, 2019 1:27 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Yes sir 

    They spit that word out like a piece of grissle merely repeat what they have heard from their masters voice in the WH and on propaganda outlets like FUX

    This post was edited by Jon at July 21, 2019 10:09 AM MDT
      July 20, 2019 6:45 PM MDT

  • 10052
    The guy that left the puppies in the suitcase that E-99 talked about in his reply to your question about unsung heroes.  Animal abusers need their as$es kicked, for sure. 
      July 20, 2019 10:37 AM MDT

  • 5391
      July 20, 2019 10:48 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Any time I read about a parent (or any adult) abusing or otherwise harming a child or animal.  Those people should be beaten within an inch of their lives and thrown off a bridge.
      July 20, 2019 11:05 AM MDT

  • 10052
    I'm mostly a non-violent sort, but I had a recurring fantasy that just such a thing happened to a douche bag who abused my sister and nephew. 
      July 20, 2019 11:10 AM MDT