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Discussion » Questions » Environment » Right-wing Conservative and Christian groups oft deny global warming. Do they also deny evidence of past climate change, i.e. Ice age? Why

Right-wing Conservative and Christian groups oft deny global warming. Do they also deny evidence of past climate change, i.e. Ice age? Why

Posted - July 22, 2019


  • 23793
    From those whom I know, many people in those categories don't deny climate change - - in fact, they acknowledge it -- now and in the past.
    What some of them highly question is humankind's impact on the climate (especially the current) changes. Many believe any change is just another natural climate change that happens over the earth's history.

    I don't quite buy their theory.
      July 22, 2019 2:38 PM MDT

  • 5391
    In fairness, I think the opinions of Climate Change within that group run the spectrum to both ends. Pope Francis even wrote an Encyclical on it.
    Social media, in all of its sensationalist glory, provides us all a useful forum to identify and debunk the misled factions who deny the science, because frankly, they are ridiculous.
    Like Flat Earthers, or anti-vaxxers, weight of evidence is less significant to Climate deniers than reliance on faith, conspiracy theories or ”alternative facts”.
    This is the exact formula that has restrained our species‘ advancement since time immemorial, and now impedes our ability to approach this existential threat with the sober, unified purpose it deserves.
      July 22, 2019 3:33 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Because they are all inbred or dopey........fruit cakes is a better generalization though...:)
      July 22, 2019 3:58 PM MDT

  • 34772
    There is climate change. Climate has always changed. Area in Europe can no longer grow is too cold. 
    The are areas that have changed from green jungle to dry desert and back again over and over again. 

    The Vikings sailed to north to Greenland etc in the 1500s (900ad-1300ad) .it is impossible to sail that area is frozen. 

    Yes, climate change exists. It always has.....

    Global warmkng, man make climate change is about money.  It is used to tax businesses and countries....many people have gotten rich off of it. Al Gore being one.

    I corrected the date above.  This post was edited by my2cents at July 23, 2019 9:06 AM MDT
      July 22, 2019 8:19 PM MDT

  • Give the man some credit at least.  After all, according to him he did invent the internet.  LOL!  Anyway, I was hoping you might chime in on this one.  Thanks m2c.
      July 22, 2019 8:22 PM MDT

  • 34772
    Lol. My first vote was for Bill Clinton 1992. Gore as VP almost made me change my mind.
      July 22, 2019 8:27 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Truth be know, Al Gore as a person is not very likable and neither is wife who whent on a crusade to censor music 
      July 22, 2019 8:57 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Be carelful when you give the goons on the right any from of credibility like this. LOL

    Al Gore Never said he invented the internet. That is a total distortion made up by the right to insult the man.

    What he said was manipulated, distorted, misrepresented, and taken out of context...

    "When asked to describe what distinguished him from his challenger for the Democratic presidential nomination, Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, Gore replied (in part): “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country’s economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system.”

    In context, Gore’s response (which employed the word “created,” not “invented”) was clear in meaning: the vice president was not claiming that he “invented” the Internet in the sense of having thought up, designed, or implemented it, but rather asserting that he was one of the visionaries responsible for helping to bring it into being by fostering its development in an economic and legislative sense."

      July 22, 2019 8:27 PM MDT

  • 34772
    The conception the internet was ironically invented by a man named Vannevar Bush in the 1930s. He later worked for the Defense department. Xerox came into the picture later on as well. 
    Gore helped pass a bill giving tax money. They spent $600M of out  tax money to create a web browser Mosiac. And it linked together 88 computers. That is what Gore did to "create" the internet. But what we consider today as the internet....Xerox gets credit for.

    As a side note why would Mr Green want credit for something that wastes 90% of the energy it consumes? 
      July 23, 2019 8:50 AM MDT

  • 2836
    I have an IT degree with many certifications & have been in the IT industry all my life.
    The history of the IT and Networking industry is extremely familiar to me and I am here to school you.  First,  Al Gore Never said he invented the internet  AND I want to point out several glaring inconsistancies in your 'comment'. 

    Yes, Vannevar Bush wrote an essay in 1945 (not the 1930s) entitled  "As We May Think"  where he described  a theoretical machine called the Memex.  Here is the link to that essay and I think you for mentioning this because I have been meaning to read this...again.

    As We May Think

    Vannevar  was never directly involved with the creation or development of the Internet. If you really want to play mental gymnastics, you can actually say that Nikola Tesla developed the idea of a “world wireless system" back in the 1900's and therefore HE is the father of the internet.  O-O

    The true start of what we know of as the internet came with ARPANET developed  by the U.S. Department of Defense to allow multiple computers to communicate on a single network .   TCP/IP was  developed in the 1970s  allow Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. 

     In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web while working at CERN, 

    Here is a great article from Wired entitled, "XEROX: UH, WE DIDN'T INVENT THE INTERNET"

    Xerox did have an impact, but the problemhere is that in your effort to someone defend diseased, dillusioned, and failing ideology of conservatism, you are stretching, poking twisting and shoving in every way imaginable to discredit Al Gore for something he did not do or say.

    I do not like Al Gore myself for different reasons.

    "As a side note why would Mr Green want credit for something that wastes 90% of the energy it consumes?"
    I have no clue what you are talking about

    "But what we consider today as the internet....Xerox gets credit for."  <--- HAHAHA...Um ..No. Read the article

    This post was edited by Jon at July 24, 2019 3:03 PM MDT
      July 23, 2019 9:47 AM MDT

  • 34772
    V Bush was working on his idea in the 1930s, yes he wrote the   article in the 1940s.  Many more people/military/companies have added to it over the decades. 

    Where did I say Gore invented the internet? I did not....that was Twinkle. 

    I may be wrong on Xerox...they invented the ethernet. 

    Internet servers uses only 10% of the electricity consumed....90% is wasted.
    Mr. Green has 7 houses that use in 1 month what the average house uses in 1 yr. He flies around in private jets....they all arrive at the climate conferences in their private jets. But want us to turn our a/c higher, ride our bicycles, car pool etc.  When they stop all that I might believe it is an issue. 
      July 24, 2019 6:41 AM MDT

  • 2836
    "I may be wrong on Xerox...they invented the ethernet." 

    Not "May" were...  as you are about many things
      July 24, 2019 8:13 AM MDT

  • 34772
    At least, I am big enough to acknowledge it.
      July 24, 2019 8:28 AM MDT

  • 2836
    I doubt that. LOL

      July 24, 2019 8:31 AM MDT

  • 4624
    Can you tell me a bit about Arnet?
    A friend of mine who runs the net system for ANU (Australian National University, Canberra) says that Arnet was a network that linked major universities around the world and that it pre-dated the public internet.
      July 24, 2019 3:05 PM MDT

  • 2836

    Oh boy! You really got me on this one. I have to be honest with you, I know very little about it.  I have forgotten more than I ever knew.
    I think you may be referring to ARPAnet?   It was the considered the first Internet and the first to use packet switching through and TCP/IP. Email, FTP (File Transfer Protocal) and Telnet were all created and implemented under ARPAnet.

    The Military used ARPAnet as well but stopped when more and more people started using it and started their own called MILnet or Military Network.
    Hospitals, Universtities, and other organizations all had LANS  (local area networks) in-house that their computers attached to. These LANs would then attach to the WAN (Wide Area Network) which was the ARPAnet to share data with eachother. ARPAnet was eventually replaced starting in the mid 1980s with  NSFnet (National Science Foundation network) for the back bone and ARPAnet was shutdown about 1990. 

    What I know about the LANs that connected to ARPAnet is abysmal and TBH, I would love to forget them. LOL
    There were various Network operating systems like Banyan Vines & Novell for for example for data/file/print sharing and some used "Token Ring" which is a local area network technology communications protocol. It uses a special three-byte frame called a "token" that travels around a logical "ring" of workstations or servers.

    I remember how silly this all was because Data Centers were moving fro Centralized to Decentralized setups so they started opurchasing more and more PC's, Tellecommunications equipment, and servers. Eventually, they ended up becoming centralized again.

    OMG I need a drink or a big fat Joint!  My head hurts!

    Is this what you were asking? lol

      July 24, 2019 4:29 PM MDT

  • 2836
    More insanity....LOL

    Al Gore donated much of the proceeds from his books to various causes, but so what if he made a few bucks doing so? 
    The people who made the most money are the Kock brothers and the Fossil fuel industry.
    Carbon emissions have played an enormous role in our climate change and I know that for an absolute fact! 
    One way I know of this is tha6t I recall going to the cemetaries here in the northeast with my parents on Memorial day and as they were laying flowers on the graves of family members, my brother and I would wander around reading the names and dates on the anciuent grave stones. Some were erected as lfar back as the lat 1690s. As the years progresssed, the pollutants entering the air and causing acid rain decimated those old stones and now, the majority of them are illegble. The names, dates, prayers, their stories are all awash and gone forever. 
    Those same pollutants are also in our atmosphere.
    If people such as your self want to be taken seriously,  you need remain consistant. For the longest time,  the right has been saying there was absolutely no climate change. Then that thought evolved when it was proven there was and now, the right says there is, but it's natural.   Much like Healthcare. The right said they would repeal Obamacare (ACH). Then that was changed and has become "Repeal AND replace..."  Good grief    

    So who is making money? The KOCK brothers and the Fossil fuel industry. That's who This post was edited by Jon at July 22, 2019 8:56 PM MDT
      July 22, 2019 8:35 PM MDT

  • 34772
    I do not care if he makes money. But I do care when it takes my money through taxes, Climate agreements etc. 
    Koch Brothers are supporting Dems now. (Establishment politicians on both sides...we need term limits)

      July 23, 2019 9:03 AM MDT

  • 2836
    "Koch Brothers are supporting Dems now."
    That's dumb. The KOCK brothers hate Trump. THat does not make them DEM helpers.
    "Establishment politicians on both sides...we need term limits"
    This is one thing we both agree on. That includes Supreme Court Justices. No one. NO ONE in a public office should be granted a job for life.

      July 23, 2019 9:59 AM MDT

  • 34772
    They are donating to Dems. 
      July 23, 2019 11:47 AM MDT

  • 2836
    Data from the Federal Election Commission and state elections offices show that Trump has given $588350 to Democrats

      July 23, 2019 2:59 PM MDT

  • 34772
    This election cycle or over time. Everyone knows he was a Dem for a long time....
      July 24, 2019 6:14 AM MDT

  • 2836
    Start making sense. 
    No Koch is a Dem  but by your logic Trump is.

      July 24, 2019 8:01 AM MDT

  • 34772
    Koch is establishment. Party means nothing. 
      July 25, 2019 5:47 PM MDT