Discussion » Questions » Politics » In political posts on here, why do they always say the left-wingers are intolerant bullies and the right-wingers are not?

In political posts on here, why do they always say the left-wingers are intolerant bullies and the right-wingers are not?

Why don't we hear of it the other way round (which is the way it really is)?

Posted - September 7, 2016


  • Bez


    Yes, hartfire is a nice, civilised person. We could do with a few more like her on here. :)

      September 8, 2016 2:22 AM MDT
  • Bez


    I know who that girl is, and no, I would not go as far as to kill her or egg someone else on to kill her. That's going way over the top. I just thought she was sick for posting those pictures on the Internet and bragging about it, and as if that's not bad enough, going on to post a picture of herself in a normal stance holding a pet cat. Since I despise people with split personalities, can you think of one good reason why I should make an exception of that girl? Just because I despise her, that doesn't mean I want to kill her.

      September 8, 2016 2:26 AM MDT

  • 34962
    Politics and religion are two subjects people tend to have strong feelings about. Which Makes some not very civil. It also gives others a category to troll.
      September 8, 2016 4:14 AM MDT

  • Bullying is when the strong dominate the weak. Political conflict is a fair fight between competing ideas. I don't see how one side has an unfair advantage over the other, so I don't see it as bullying.

    Politics is conflict. It's a game that allows conflict to be resolved non violently for the minimisation of human suffering. People should just be glad we don't have regular civil wars, rather than whining about harsh language.

    The left is far far more intolerant that the right. The right is about individualism. It rejects those it doesn't agree with, though it will allow them to go their own way. The left can't do this. Their entire political philosophy is based on unity and collectivism.  It requires solidarity to function. They can't reject anyone. They must force dissenters to conform to the group to keep society together.

      September 8, 2016 5:49 AM MDT

  • 503

    Thank you.... It just goes to show how dangerous the ultra- wackos of the world, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet can be.....   Saying all those vile, disgusting things about a young girl who cannot defend herself only shows a weak and spineless nature .

      September 8, 2016 6:02 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello Andy:

    I dunno why right wingers say ANY of the things they say..  My friend, Tm, thinks I'm one of the NASTIEST people here.  Go figure..


      September 8, 2016 6:13 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello Red:

    I didn't read the thread cause I'm a left winger who doesn't CARE about 12 year olds hunting.  So, maybe you can enlighten me..  The post asks about leftwingers HERE, on THIS website - NOT about libs in general..  Can you LIST the leftwingers HERE who suggested she be killed???  Can you also refer me to the specific post where Andy said that??

    Look.  Like I said.  I didn't READ the thread so I COULD be very wrong...  But, I'm WILLING to go out on a limb here, and suggest that you're making shit up again...


      September 8, 2016 7:35 AM MDT

  • 17641


      September 8, 2016 9:59 AM MDT

  • 3191

    Perhaps because the statements you disagree with (those about left-wingers) stick in your mind, but those you agree with (about right-wingers) don't stand out.

      September 8, 2016 9:59 AM MDT

  • 1113

    I gather that means we agree on this point :/

      September 8, 2016 10:01 AM MDT

  • 2500

    No, you don't want her killed, just severely beaten, right? Because she did something that you don't approve of for some ambiguous, selfish reason, like she or anyone else needs your approval to do anything. And of course you say that you don't want others to attack her as you continue to spew venom about her. And then you go on to accuse here of having a "split personality", not that you're even remotely qualified to make that "diagnosis". Seems legit . . .  (By the way, who forced you to look at her Facebook page?)

    As to that "diagnosis" I have to to wonder how you feel about kids that are raised on beef farms that have pet bovine calves. I used to have pet poultry (chickens and ducks) but I still eat chicken (duck is too greasy for my taste); suppose that makes me some kind of monster in your very twisted vision. Maybe you want to nuke Korea because some of the people there eat dog meat while have pet dogs. You would do it for their own good, right? (News flash, MOST people that have pet animals are also omnivorous having both flora and fauna in their diets.)

    No my friend, it's YOUR kind of thinking, you're trying to force your twisted, biased thinking on others that causes most of the problems in the world. And you're too blinded by your thinking to see it, a prime example of what you're railing about with your question. So go back to your vegan life (you ARE a vegan, aren't you; otherwise you're a compete hypocrite in addition to you other very serious character flaws) and let the rest of the world peacefully co-exist.

      September 8, 2016 10:04 AM MDT

  • 2500

    No excon, I didn't make you up. You're a figment of your own imagination.

      September 9, 2016 9:28 AM MDT