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Discussion » Statements » If you are the first person who answers this, I will assign Asker’s Pick to you.

If you are the first person who answers this, I will assign Asker’s Pick to you.

And if you are the second person who answers this, I will assign Asker’s Pick to you, but only if you are not the same person who answered first. No double-dipping.  I don’t want you to feel left out. 
If you are the third person who answers this, I will assign Asker’s Pick to you, unless you are person number one or two. 
The fourth person who answers this will be granted Asker’s Pick; same conditions as above.  I value you.
The consolation prize for the fifth person who posts an answer to this will be Asker’s Pick. You are just as important as anyone else. 
(Are you beginning to see a pattern here?)
And so on, and so on, and so on . . .


Posted - August 10, 2019


  • 44776
    To hell with it. I'm not answering.
      August 10, 2019 11:36 AM MDT

  • 13395
    I never answer any questions when August 10th is a Saturday. 
      August 10, 2019 11:50 AM MDT

  • 53706

      Thank you, I agree entirely.  You're the second person to answer, so I will let Element 99 bask in the glory of being first for just a while longer before passing the Asker's Pick trophy on to you.
      August 10, 2019 2:32 PM MDT

  • 11591
    An Asker's Pick from you means nothing to me.
      August 10, 2019 12:19 PM MDT

  • 53706
    Would that you had been first, my Dear; I would have loved to have given it to you before all the others.  Hey, wait a minute.  That came out wrong . . .

      August 10, 2019 2:34 PM MDT

  • 11591
    I think your aim all along was to give it to Element99.
      August 10, 2019 4:29 PM MDT

  • 53706

      Nope, I'm equal opportunity.  First come, first served.   Everybody gets a turn with good ol' Randy D.  Wait, that came out wrong too. 

      August 10, 2019 5:19 PM MDT

  • 10026
    So... what you are saying is everyone is important as are their opinions and/or facts.  Time is irrevelant when answering your questions.  You can pull up an old question of yours and answer it now with still the possiblity of it being Asker's Pick.

    Or, you are saying that Asker's Pick is how you are feeling at the moment and you are sure the reader throughly understood your qusestion and gave the best funny or accurate or nice response you feel you were trying to share.

    Or... How are ya?  I've been busy and haven't had time to stop by and say, "Hi." 
    Now, I do.  "HI!" Big Happy Faces, Winks and Smiles!

      August 10, 2019 2:38 PM MDT

  • 53706

    (It only counts on this question.  You know, 15 minutes of fame and all that.)

      August 10, 2019 3:15 PM MDT

  • 10026
    I'm slinking with my "Happy Happy" wand, not between my legs but dragging on the ground.
    I'm gone a day or two and you don't even "like" me anymore.  LOOK!!
    You didn't even like the fact I stopped on your question.
    I've been running frantic in the physical world over here helping others feel like they are Asker's Pick in their own world. 
    Allotta good that has done me.  Humph. 
    You'll find me in the corner with a not so happy wand and a dull, bent-over hat.  No pipe, either.  *Big Sigh...* This post was edited by Merlin at August 10, 2019 5:16 PM MDT
      August 10, 2019 3:36 PM MDT

  • 44776
    I 'liked' you.
      August 10, 2019 5:02 PM MDT

  • 10026
    You are my rock Element.  Can you be an element and a rock at the same time?  If anyone could, it would be you!
    Thank You! 
    Happy Dance for you!!  :) :)

      August 11, 2019 5:14 AM MDT

  • 53706

      All I understood from that was the "between my legs" part.  After that, I couldn't concentrate because the words were all blurry and my mind went into randy mode . . .


      August 10, 2019 5:17 PM MDT

  • 10026
    That's the part I was hoping would grab you!  Like everyone else I know, underneath it all, we like it when you approve.  Maybe not Jane (who stands out in all her glory and I adore) but most of us apprecitate you and your opinion.  Well, there was carbon... whom I miss very much.  I hope her grandson is doing well.  Shoot!  By now he should be in college. ;)

    Love you Randy and like everyone in front of me, thanks for the Asker's Pick.
    :) :) 

    How far down the line was I again?
       Big Winks and Smiles!! This post was edited by Merlin at August 11, 2019 6:44 AM MDT
      August 11, 2019 5:08 AM MDT

  • 35081
    There is no question to answer. But I am posting my reply anyway. 
      August 10, 2019 5:09 PM MDT

  • Yes, I see the pattern here. WHERE IS MY PRIZE???
      August 10, 2019 5:17 PM MDT

  • 53706
    1.  AnswerMug has these posts labeled as "Discussions", not as questions.

    2.  There most certainly IS a question to answer (I thought of people like you when I posted it): "If you are the first person who answers this, I will assign you Asker's Pick.
    And if you are the second person who answers this, I will assign Asker’s Pick to you, but only if you are not the same person who answered first. No double-dipping.  I don’t want you to feel left out. 
    If you are the third person who answers this, I will assign Asker’s Pick to you, unless you are person number one or two. 
    The fourth person who answers this will be granted Asker’s Pick; same conditions as above.  I value you.
    The consolation prize for the fifth person who posts an answer to this will be Asker’s Pick. You are just as important as anyone else. 
    (Are you beginning to see a pattern here?)
    And so on, and so on, and so on . . ."

    I'm considering not assigning the pick to you when your turn comes up.

      August 10, 2019 5:14 PM MDT

  • What the? Why is your reply to m2 under my post?
      August 10, 2019 5:18 PM MDT

  • 53706
    I wondered the same thing.  Glitch-Mug, grrrrrrr.

      August 10, 2019 5:20 PM MDT

  • 35081
    That is weird....glitch I guess. 
      August 10, 2019 5:21 PM MDT

  • Must be, first time I’ve noticed that happen. 
      August 10, 2019 5:22 PM MDT

  • 35081
    I have not seen it before either.
      August 10, 2019 5:24 PM MDT

  • 44776
    You posted an answer to Randy's question and Randy replied to m2c. I see it all of the time.
      August 11, 2019 6:31 AM MDT