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My Grandmother is dying. I love her. Would you cheer me up by sharing a favorite story you have of your paternal or maternal Grandmother?


Posted - August 19, 2019


  • 3523
    Had it not been for my grandmother, I probably would have ended up living on the street before age 18.  I hate to think where I'd have been and where I might be now.
      August 19, 2019 1:39 PM MDT

  • 44722
    Sorry, man. I have no stories mine. I never met my paternal ones and only knew my maternal grand mother for a few years before she died. Cherish the stories you do have.
      August 19, 2019 1:41 PM MDT

  • 6477
    I am so sorry you are facing that. Cancer is truly evil. 

    My nan, (people in the UK often call their grandmother nan, nanny, gran etc.. ) was a real character - she was a cockney, from London. She'd talk openly about sex and stuff and she hated being alone.. and remarried at the age of 64... Really an inspiration. 
      August 19, 2019 1:57 PM MDT

  • 2836
    Both my Grandmothers were awesome women and I have many fond memories of both. I suppose that the one I find the most amusing is the ongoing saga of my dad's mum and her attention-whoring.  "Gramma", as my brother and I called her, suffered from several maladies. She had a bad heart. She had angina. She had cataracts. She had "the sugars". Christ, what didn't she have? LOL 

    To help put this all into perspective, my gramma and grampa (as a couple) were atypical, All In The Family, Edith and Archie clones.  Gramma was a sensitive woman and I suspect that her craving for attention was because my gramps was rather overbearing and not very affectionate towards her. 

    As a result of this, it would not be uncommon for my gramma to fake an angina attack at family functions, Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthday parties.  I heard the tale of her faking an attack or as she called it "having a spell" at the hospital when my brother was born. lol My mom would lose her mind and get so pissed off.  

    In the end, all was well for her. She lived to the ripe age of 102, outlived all the other grandparents.  I miss you grammy. Thanks for the Sugars.

    This post was edited by Jon at August 19, 2019 8:26 PM MDT
      August 19, 2019 2:17 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Your grandma's body is dying, yes.  That is a fact that cannot be helped.  Death is inevitable for all of us, but death is a doorway.  You and grandma will be together now and forever.  

    My grandma is with me.  My mother's mother.  She has found things for me when I have asked for her help in situations that were AMAZING to hear about.  So, she is THERE.

    That's what I have to contribute. If you share a closeness, that is an energy.  That doesn't die.  It grows stronger.  

    Kiss her on the cheek for me.  
      August 19, 2019 2:24 PM MDT

  • 1817
    my grandma and I were really close until she spread a rumor around our family that i was cheating on my husband. thankfully no one took it seriously. i think she gets off on other people's misery. 
      August 19, 2019 2:48 PM MDT

  • 3
    I wish I could give you a nice comment about my grandmother, but I never knew either one of my grandmothers.   Just cherish all the wonderful memories you have of her and be thankful you were able to spend time with her.  
      August 19, 2019 5:16 PM MDT

  • 11313
    My Grandmother probably saved my life when I was 8 years old - our car was rolling out of control down a steep hill and I thought I would be a super man and stop it she was about 10 feet away when she saw what  I was doing and ran over and pulled me out of the way in the nic of time. Also before she passed on she taught my girl friend (now wife)  how to make her secrete World famous cabbage rolls. She always  had sworn that she would take her secrete recipe to  the grave with her - she wouldn't give it to anybody including her sisters. But she gave it to my girlfriend that I only knew for a month or so. I think back then my Grandmother knew something I didn't know - that would be the girl I would marry and she would make me the special  cabbage rolls for the rest of my life.  Cheers!  
      August 19, 2019 6:28 PM MDT

  • 11398
    My maternal grandma always had elegant clothes and a full face of makeup. Even at home she wore flowing caftans and showy costume jewelry. (Think of a more attractive version of Mrs. Roper from Three's Company). After she died, we sold her clothes in a yard sale and they were all snapped up by a couple of transvestites. I think Grandma would have liked that.
      August 19, 2019 7:59 PM MDT

  • 23798
      August 19, 2019 8:27 PM MDT

  • 23798

    When my brother and sister and I were little, our grandmother would invite us into the bathroom with her while she put in or took out her false teeth -- she'd make a production out of it and make funny faces at us -- 

    "Get to the bathroom, Grandma is gonna take out her teeth!!"


    My best to you, be well 

      August 19, 2019 8:24 PM MDT

  • 83
    My maternal grandmother and I used to watch soap operas together and talk. She loved to eat bananas. :) My paternal grandmother loved to eat too,but I don't think she was picky. They were both good cooks and very nice to me. I loved them both. It has been many years since they have been deceased,along with my father and at least three aunt's of mine. God bless you.
      August 19, 2019 8:52 PM MDT

  • 16978
    Make sure you leave nothing unsaid. I never really knew either of my grandmothers, both died before I was three, but I lost my mother to cancer four and half years ago and the wound in my heart is still raw and bleeding. There is so much I should have said to her and now I never can.
    Today would have been her 74th birthday. I have to stop now, I'm about to cry.
      August 20, 2019 1:43 AM MDT