Discussion » Questions » Politics » Trudeau APOLOGIZES? WHY?? He dressed for a party 1000, Nights. Glorifying Arabia? Wore brown makeup? This is insulting now?

Trudeau APOLOGIZES? WHY?? He dressed for a party 1000, Nights. Glorifying Arabia? Wore brown makeup? This is insulting now?

Since when is dressing like another race insulting?  

Since when is dressing accurately in costume for fun, insulting?  

Since the morons who decided to take pictures of funny white guys who dressed up to make fun of black-skinned people.    There is a difference between accurately portaying a brown-skinned Arab, handsome and brown and dressing in a costume meant to make fun of black-skinned people.  

Trudeau didn't make himself look like a goon or a terrorist. He looked like a handsome brown Arab.  


Posted - September 19, 2019


  • 6023
    Uh ... because he painted his face/body.
    And if he didn't apologize, people would be criticizing him for THAT.

    Personally, I think we should dig in the background of everyone who wants to re-examine what people did decades ago - or in their childhood - and see what those critics did that is now "unacceptable".

    It's all ridiculous - and why millions of good people will never run for political office.
    We ALL have something in our past that was stupid.
      September 19, 2019 12:16 PM MDT

  • 46117

    IF the Senate just SAID what you said and ended it that way, we would not be fighting over Kavanaugh.  It was PAST insanity he said she said nonsense.  There was NO solid anything.  BUT?  He was still a lying slimebag that had no business even being selected. But that is off the subject.

    You are right.

    I agree.  If we start at the root of a premise, oftentimes we find closure immediately and not waste valuable time arguing the impossible to solve.

      September 19, 2019 12:59 PM MDT

  • 19937
    I'm sick of people being offended by absolutely everything and even more sick of everyone apologizing for everything they say.
      September 19, 2019 1:04 PM MDT

  • 46117
    When you are on the world stage, can't you come up with something besides OH, I'm sorry?   I guess he wants it to go away. IT IS BORING, but it could be a platform to be raised about just what you are saying.  Do not we as adults, KNOW the difference between an insult and NO insult at all?  HOW STUPID ARE WE???  

    Don't answer.  LOL 
      September 19, 2019 1:18 PM MDT

  • 19937
    At your suggestion, I shall refrain from answering. :)
      September 19, 2019 1:54 PM MDT

  • 13395
    The opposition people are making a big deal about it because the federal election is happening in October. 
      September 19, 2019 4:31 PM MDT

  • 7813
    I'm not really sure how I should feel about this. People apologizing for the stupid things they've done years before. On top of that, doing it over and over and over again. Clearly Trudeau has changed and has been making up for it by doing quite a bit of good for Canada. If it was me, I'd apologize once and be done with it. If you want me to apologize again, re-run the footage of me apologizing the first time.
      September 19, 2019 8:11 PM MDT

  • 53703

      Sharonna, you lionize Trudeau and pooh-pooh those who speak out against him in this story, yet we all know full well that if photos of Donald Trump in brownface emerged, you'd be the first and the loudest screaming from the rooftops for his head to be served up on a platter. Do us all a favor in realism and please just stop with your fake umbrage over this non-issue.  You're swooning for Trudeau just because you consider him to be handsome, just the opposite of name-calling and body-shaming that you revel in over the object of your obsession, Donald Trump (your other lover).  You call out Trump for being fat, ugly, having bad hair, you drag down his wife, you even went for his then-eleven year-old-son.  You would salivate profusely, lick your chops and fall all over yourself with glee to jump down Trump's throat had he been the one in the photo.

     DISCLAIMER: for clarification, I have no dog in the Trudeau brownface fight; I am neither for him nor against him, I am neither offended by his 2001 act nor am I in support of him for carrying it out.  I am neither offended and maintain that he has insulted anyone, nor am I one of his apologists.  I call not for his resignation nor for his adoration.  By the same token, I use Trump only as a contrast to your pretense of being horrified, and to point out your hypocrisy because you have assigned yourself as a prolific basher; I am not taking Trump's side nor attacking Trump. 

      I just calls 'em as I sees 'em, and this pick-and-choose tactic of the so-called "tolerant" crowd needs to be exposed for its snake oil ooziness.

    Case in point, just in case you try to dispel the point, here's one of your recent posts that proves every word I've written here to be true:



      September 19, 2019 10:52 PM MDT