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Have you heard this song?

EDIT: It is thirteen days after I posted this question --  Piper is indeed right -- Reznor of Nine Inch Nails wrote this song :)
I'll still leave the question as I originally posted it.

This song came on the car radio

I almost lost all concentration while driving

The song and performance blew me away SO much

I never heard the song before

I searched it by song lyrics

And it was written by Johnny Cash!! (That man never ceases to amaze me and he's done it again!)

This performance that knocked me over is by Nine Inch Nails

I never knew that I am a lifelong fan of theirs until now -- simply for this song

"Hurt" Nine Inch Nails

"Hurt"    Nine Inch Nails

Posted - October 16, 2019


  • 4624
    It's clear that you get enormous pleasure from listening to music.
    Do you play any instrument?
      October 16, 2019 7:33 PM MDT

  • 23834
    Hi bookworm!
    You're right -- I love listening to music! It is almost life itself to me.

    Yes, I do play some instruments. I've played piano for the longest. Also, pipe organ, euphonium and electric bass.
      October 16, 2019 8:02 PM MDT

  • 4624
    Do you play for solo pleasure at home,
    or are you in a band?
    Do you jam with friends?
    Do you write your own songs?
    What are your favourite styles or periods of music?

      October 16, 2019 8:23 PM MDT

  • 23834
    Oh, wow -  - a lot to answer there, ha!

    I'll answer better maybe tomorrow but I'm getting really tired now and I need to get to sleep. But quickly, I make most of my income playing organ and piano with a vast amount of various music groups and soloists whom I play, direct and/or accompany.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at October 16, 2019 8:30 PM MDT
      October 16, 2019 8:30 PM MDT

  • 23834
    Well, I'm still up and got hungry - -so I'm back.

    I don't really jam with friends, no. most of my jamming is lone and practicing music.
    I wish I could but I don't write my own stuff. I can halfway improvise OK when given chords or a cheat sheet.
    I truly have no favorite style of period of music - - I'm open to it all and have found immense pleasure in all kinds of genres.
    I do adore playing organ compositions by Marcel Dupre and Jean Langlais.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at October 16, 2019 10:05 PM MDT
      October 16, 2019 10:02 PM MDT

  • 17653
    No thanks.  
      October 16, 2019 10:41 PM MDT

  • 23834
    That's OK.

    But it's great to me!!
    I love hearing a song for the first time and immediately loving it.

    But listening to a six minute long song, that's a lot to ask, ha! 

    Hey, even if you don't listen, click on the video - - it's just a still image of what I assume is the album cover - - interesting art work!
      October 16, 2019 10:52 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Heard it.   

    Johnny Cash is so great he can do anything.  But that song was not my favorite.  I don't get why he did it.  I like Nine Inch Nails but I haven't heard them in years.  I'm not into that heavy hard stuff any more.   I mean maybe he felt some angst and used this as a platform but it didn't work for me.  It was like Willie Nelson doing it.  

    Here's a song I never heard until a few months ago and I cannot get it out of my head when I hear it. IT is so catchy. I think the world agreed, because there are about 100 covers on youtube of this song.  

    Charlie Puth

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at October 17, 2019 7:25 PM MDT
      October 16, 2019 10:57 PM MDT

  • 23834
    Interesting  to me, everything you wrote. Thanks!

    I've always liked that Puth song, too. I never knew, however, how nice he is on the eyes.
      October 17, 2019 7:26 PM MDT

  • 17048
    Personally I prefer Johnny's version.

      October 17, 2019 3:06 AM MDT

  • 23834
    Oh, wow.

    This guy amazes me.

    I love his version for sure, too! Yeah, knowing he wrote it - - and hearing him sing it. Yeah, if I had heard his version first - - I'd love it, too. I tend to remember songs by the first artists I've heard -  obviously, in this case, it was Nine Inch Nails.

    I think I'm entranced by the song itself - - what a great song.

    Thanks for posting Cash's version!

      October 17, 2019 7:33 PM MDT

  • 1305
    I prefer Johnny Cash, the song was about his substance misuse use and battle with depression.

    I hurt myself today to see if I still feel
    I focus on the pain, the only thing that’s real
    The needle tears a hole, the old familiar sting
    Try to kill it all away, but I remember everything.

    Plenty of songs made by artists about heroin, in the industry they say people turn to drink, drugs or tattoos.

      October 18, 2019 5:02 AM MDT

  • 23834
    I particularly love that Sheeran song - "The A Team."
    It's literally the only song I like from him -- can't stand everything else I've heard from him. :)
    But I'll always be grateful to him for creating that one.

    I really like Cash's version of "Hurt," too.  Slartibartfast posted it. I hadn't heard it til then. I only heard the song the other night for the first time (Nine Inch Nails version).

    Hope to come back and listen to the other songs you posted.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at October 19, 2019 6:38 PM MDT
      October 19, 2019 6:36 PM MDT

  • 1305
    Rarely do I hear a modern song that makes me think I really like that, I do prefer singer song writers to those who sing other peoples song. Ed Sheeran has written songs for numerous artists he wrote Love Yourself and gave it to Justin Bieber.  

    The only song that made me stop recently, and it isn't a new one is Paolo Nutini's Iron Sky.

      October 20, 2019 6:42 AM MDT

  • 23834
    I'm only here for a bit while I eat and then have to go again. But I hope to come back, like I said, to listen.

    I fail at this -- many muggers post songs I want to listen to and I still haven't gotten to them. Darn.

    Yeah, I tend to like songwriters' version of their own songs. I'm simply not a fan, at all, of Sheeran, though.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at October 20, 2019 12:06 PM MDT
      October 20, 2019 12:04 PM MDT

  • 181
    I'd only heard Johnny Cash singing it, and I really like it too.  I'm pretty sure  Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails actually wrote the song, though. 
      October 18, 2019 12:59 PM MDT

  • 23834
    The site I found credits Cash as the songwriter. Regardless, I really like the song and I like both Cash's and Nine Inch Nails singing it.
      October 19, 2019 6:38 PM MDT

  • 181
    I thought he wrote it too, but because of your post I  "Googled" the song out of curiosity. :)  
      October 19, 2019 6:47 PM MDT

  • 23834
    You're indeed right, Piper. Reznor indeed wrote the song - - I found out tonight, too, by another friend and my friend's telling me just an hour or so ago, made me think of your post. I should've researched closer before posting the question as I did.
    When I feel better, I plan on rewording my question/editing it.
    Thanks for your help. When I found out, I remembered your correction and wanted to acknowledge.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at November 3, 2019 1:27 PM MST
      October 26, 2019 6:06 PM MDT

  • 181
    It SOUNDS so much like Johnny Cash would be  the writer of it, I think.  :) 
      November 3, 2019 1:32 PM MST

  • 23834
      November 3, 2019 6:08 PM MST