You come here to Answermug and flood its cardinal veins with phrenetic acrimoniousness until it splits at the seams and unanswered questions and half digested ideas inundate the place like a gore-swamped Mongol killing-ground.
I use rage ;)
by focusing on the happiness within
never let anything take you away from that.
Basically I think deciding you are not going to waste your time on it anymore.
YA!!! :-)
LOL!! Always feel better afterwards :-)
Find a few crazy friends and spend a night out laughing. Best medicine around.
Also, sit down and try go take an inventory of what you are grateful for. It helps in keeping yourself level. It's easy to focus on the negative if you are really feeling beaten down.
me personally? I cry, write it out, listen to music, or try and take a nap. Usually taking a nap is the best option.
Sounds like the voice of experience!
Divorce him!
Avoid negative people and comments that don't matter in your life.