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Should we just impeach everyone?

Democrats began their resistance and talk of impeaching Trump on Inauguration Day. Apparently, there is evidence that anti-Trump forces in the Justice Department worked to orchestrate a coup against the president. What kind of system do we have if forces inside the government attempt to influence the outcome of an election, and then work to undermine the president elected by the people?

But efforts to undermine Trump are unnecessary. As an insufferable braggart and serial offender of decency, no one undermines Trump more than Trump himself.

For either Democrats or Republicans to see their party as holding the high ground requires a lot of squinting. Are we reaching a point at which dysfunctional government becomes intractable? How about a blanket impeachment that takes them all out? 

Posted - November 17, 2019


  • 17015
    You actually have to find a High Crime or Misdemeanor that each has committed first. With Trump, "his name is Legion" and he's not behaving like an innocent man either. His behaviour indicates that he knows that he has done something impeachable, so he's setting up a pattern of filibustering so that if someone asks him for a document that contains a "gotcha", it won't seem weird if he refuses that too.
    As you pointed out, he's his own worst enemy. Unfathomably, the "conservative" party nominated a blowhard who is anything but conservative. Jeb probably would have made a reasonable POTUS, but he's handicapped by the surname "Bush" - his brother presided over a rudderless economy that fell into the biggest Depression since the Great one, so the electorate won't risk another Bush.
      November 17, 2019 10:42 PM MST

  • 13277
    What has been going on in the Justice Department probably qualifies.
      November 18, 2019 5:51 AM MST

  • 5391

    The system is broken, Stu. It took decades of dysfunction to get here. Think ancient Rome. The parallels are legion, and growing, ...enter Caligula. 

    Aren’t these revelations so much worse than Moscow Mitch proclaiming his vow to make Obama a one-term President, just after he was elected? Partisanship metastasizing.

    The difference, as you pointed out, is Trump himself. The vile charlatan whose repugnantly low character stains his every effort, and all who associate with him. 

    Can we hope for a mass awakening of voters to un-elect the failing status quo... 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at November 18, 2019 8:32 AM MST
      November 18, 2019 6:25 AM MST

  • 19937
    I completely agree, but unless people actually have a candidate to vote "for" instead of voting "against," there will not be that awakening.  Apathy will reign supreme and we will continue to have what we have now or, hard to believe, worse.  It has been a very long time since our elected officials have been willing to work with one another.  Harry Reid. John Boehner and Paul Ryan were no bargains, but Mitch McConnell is the human definition of obstruction.  More than  400 bills have been sent to the Senate by the House, many of them bi-partisan, but he refuses to bring them up for a vote.  He should be impeached for not doing his job.  
      November 18, 2019 8:37 AM MST

  • 5354
    Not quite everyone, some people have handicaps enough, withoutus adding more.
      November 18, 2019 6:54 AM MST

  • 34937
    Term limits. And that includes for the unelected bureaucrats who believe they are in charge of policy. 
      November 18, 2019 7:10 AM MST

  • 7806
    No. Just the Grand Ole Party
      November 18, 2019 8:40 AM MST