I cant imagine many of his policies will be passed.. or if he would bother with them once he got the vote. Being a liar and a fraud who never keeps his word and all
Such dramatic language, over such a little thing. The US survived the GWB precidency, didnt it ?
Is Trump worse ?
Or is it just that in US politics it is a RULE that everything must be blown all out of proportion.
No. None of these rights will survive. Best to move to Venezuela now...oh, wait...how do you like your horse cooked?
Gee, ain't socialism wonderful?
The Orange man is hated by the establishment on both (imaginary) sides of the aisle. He'll be LUCKY if he can pass the time of day. IF he wins, Trump's will be the most arduous presidency in the history of the republic!
SPOT the phuck ON!
But if I were a Trumpster, I'd appreciate the hell out of all this attention my guy was getting.
...But just for democrats. The rights of republicans will be OK. :-)
Hello J:
I guess I could have been more clear, but I thought you guys would pick up on what I was laying down. No, huh?
I'm talking about a Trump Supreme Court.. He'll have at least 4 seats for fill. Therefore, I ask again, will a woman's right to choose survive a challenge to a right wing Trump Supreme Court?? I say, without ANY hyperbole, that it absolutely WON'T. The same goes for gay marriage and countless other issues. You think it will??? Really?
Oh? What about my rights? ;)
Of course I'm constantly looking over my shoulder nervously to see who wants to end my marriage and say I'm a second class citizen.
A Trump presidency is terrifying since it's coupled with the fact that a SCJ position (and possibly more in the future) needs to be filled plus his running mate, Pence has a proven record of trying to eradicate the gay community. Hyperbole? I think not. Trump stated publicly that he would try and overturn the SC ruling on marriage equality.
Not all socialism entails a dictatorship, which is the case in Venezuela.