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Discussion » Questions » Religion and Spirituality » If a pastor told you that you could 'reap riches' (Prosperity Gospel) by donating large to his church, how could you prove he is lying?

If a pastor told you that you could 'reap riches' (Prosperity Gospel) by donating large to his church, how could you prove he is lying?

How could the pastor,  televangelist etc. prove that she/she is telling the truth?

There was a news story about a business man who became convinced by his Baptist pastor to donate large to the church in order to benefit financially but then he became near bankrupt. Then he made a lawsuit against the church.  However one of the well-to-do church members offered the guy a cash settlement to shut him up.

Posted - December 6, 2019


  • 35005
    That is not how it works. 
      December 6, 2019 4:31 AM MST

  • 13395
    There is a prosperity gospel that works? 
      December 6, 2019 7:08 AM MST

  • 35005
    God will bless his people. If we follow God's rules, it will cause us to make better choices. Better choices result in better results this includes economically and health wise etc. 
    God says sex is for a married man and woman. If we do not listen we risk STDs (not good for health) also children at a young age or as a single parent...this will make it harder to prosper economically. 

    God say do not lie or steal and to pay your taxes. If you fail to do these you will likely end up in jail again not good for you economically. 

    There is more but you get the picture. 
      December 6, 2019 7:33 AM MST

  • 46117
    You have no idea what God's rules are if you think he smiles on those who favor TRUMP.  
      December 6, 2019 3:55 PM MST

  • 35005
    I know He smiles on me. :)
      December 6, 2019 4:37 PM MST

  • 46117
    He told me to be nice to you.  I'm going to hell.
      December 6, 2019 5:36 PM MST

  • 5391

    *It should be noted that the effort may be moot, because believers generally have little interest in proof or evidence, as they have even less interest in wanting to know what is really true. This is why they are believers. 

    Such a pastor can’t prove their own point, because there is no truth anywhere to support their assertions. I could spend columns of text debunking their fallacious holy book and his abuse of it’s tenets, but logic is not a notable strong suit among followers of such charlatans. 

    This post was edited by Don Barzini at December 6, 2019 3:55 PM MST
      December 6, 2019 4:33 AM MST

  • 10026
    Don, you continually prove me correct in my thinking.

    You are Awesome!
      December 6, 2019 9:28 AM MST

  • 5391
    Great minds think alike
      December 6, 2019 3:48 PM MST

  • 8274
    Those kind of pastors are out there.  They take a scripture out of context and build their ministry around it.  They depend on the fact not everyone has read the whole Bible and will believe their lies. Listen to what pastor says just before they pass the plate, that will be very telling.  They play on a persons greed for more.   

    This post was edited by Art Lover at December 6, 2019 7:41 PM MST
      December 6, 2019 5:36 AM MST

  • 46117
    Some people fall for fake preachers, dirty con men.  And some fall for politicians.  Dirty con men.

    And some are so silly they fall for a fool like this.... NIGHT SHOWS ARE BUILT AROUND CLOWNING THIS FOOL.  

    Can you imagine falling for this idiot's lines?  Mexico will pay for the WALL.  Lock her up.  I don't see how it could be Russia.  

      December 6, 2019 7:45 PM MST

  • 10026
    Turn off your TV and see what happens.
      December 6, 2019 9:28 AM MST

  • 10787
    By reading the bible for oneself.  Nowhere in the bible is the so-called "prosperity gospel" taught.  In fact, it teaches quite the opposite (Jesus was quite clear on this).   

    Many televangelists are nothing more than false teaches.  They're not there to "help" anyone but themselves... to naive people's wallets.  They twist and pervert scripture to make it say what they want it to say, captivating the weak and simple minded.  Nearly all of them will, at one point or another, toss in a pitch for money.  Some so bold as to start off by asking for it.
      December 6, 2019 10:03 AM MST

  • 1305

    I don't think God can be bought. 

      December 6, 2019 10:17 AM MST

  • 46117
    These are flawless.  
      December 6, 2019 7:41 PM MST

  • 46117
    Why would anyone ever donate a dime to anyone whom one suspects is lying?

    If you have doubts, then you have a person whom you should not be giving anything to.  

    The big give away, is that the PERSON IS ASKING YOU FOR MONEY.  HELLO??

    YES, my children, and you can BELIEVE me, because I never lie and I am always right.  

    Pay up. This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 7, 2019 11:49 AM MST
      December 6, 2019 3:53 PM MST

  • 14795
    Just think about the Billions of Pounds,Dollars and Euros that the Pope and Roman Catholic So called Church pays out each year in compensation to families who's had their children sexually abused by their perverted peadophile  Religious perverted priest.....Even his own so called Cardinals are Peado's and god knows how many children they have systematically abused since some very clever wag invented so called religions ...
    Believe in God or we will jubject you and your whole family to the most unbelievable toutures every invented by men desperate for that ultimate unbelievable powers...    
      December 6, 2019 5:46 PM MST