I'm not a big fan of it myself...
Dr. Harold Bornstein arrives at his office in New York in December 2015. He released a letter in 2015 describing Donald Trump's health in glowing terms, but now tells CNN that the then-candidate dictated the whole thing.
In December 2015, Donald Trump's personal physician released a letter describing his patient's health in language that sounded more like it was written by the patient himself than the doctor — and it turns out that might be exactly what happened.
"If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency," Dr. Harold Bornstein, a gastroenterologist from Lenox Hospital in New York, wrote at the time.
The letter said that a recent medical exam showed "only positive results" for the then-candidate and that "his physical strength and stamina are extraordinary."