Discussion»Questions»Humor and Jokes» If a train painted purple travels north at 75 MPH in July with a female conductor, how many donuts can an evangelical eat before Kwanzaa?
Hi Jonny Goat - -According to my alert list, in the past day you posted four new posts on this thread but this is the only one that looks new to me from my memory of posting last night on this question. Did a bunch of your posts get deleted? In the past week, I've seen almost countless posts/treads I'm involved with get deleted.
You're very observant, Welby! lol I've been having double thoughts about all my posts having edits. So rather than going back in and doing that, I have deleted them and reported. I'm terrible about proofreading sometimes. I'm sorry if I caused some concern, but If I deleted something and yours went with it, I do apologize
Oh, cool! Thanks for helping me out, Jonny Goat! I feel a bit better. It's all good about editing yourself. Thanks for saying I'm observant. :) I'll take a compliment whenever I can, ha!
And I just got done posting another question with something that struck me strange on the site. Maybe I'm simply being paranoid or something. :)