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Discussion » Statements » Can I take a moment to say thank you?

Can I take a moment to say thank you?

America has sent some of its firefighters over here to help ours.

It's still only the start of summer and already we've lost 2 million hectares to fire across fire fronts of 11,000 kilometres - half of it in precious old-growth native forests, the other half on private farmlands.

Our firefighters have been fighting non-stop for over three months. Many are so exhausted they are making mistakes and getting injured.

Without your help, we would have lost and would still be losing far more.

THANK YOU, America from the deepest places in my heart.

I can confidently say every other Australian feels the same.

Posted - December 17, 2019


  • 14795
    Respect....I'm sure your exact sentiment is felt by so many other caring peope from around the world.....Why we all don't band together in these times I just don't know...xxxxx 
      December 17, 2019 4:13 AM MST

  • 53686

      It’s nice to receive positive feedback!

      December 19, 2019 7:03 AM MST