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What to you is over-rated?


Posted - December 18, 2019


  • 53406

      Please don’t tell me what or how to preface my own opinion; if you have a different answer or disagree with mine, you may either post you own or rebut mine, but my answer is my answer. I haven’t stated that prescription drugs have no place, nor that people haven’t been helped by them. There are countless recreational drugs that people use in way that cause little or no harm, just as there are countless prescription drugs that people use in ways that cause a lot of harm.  The fact that you personally have been helped by them doesn’t belie the fact that others may have differing perspectives on the subject. For every positive story that can be told, there is potentially an equally negative one also. Far too many people use prescription drugs is the wrong ways, abuse them, and that’s part of what I meant in my answer. Recreational use is another part of my answer. Drug use overall, drug dependency, whether illicit or prescribed, has its own ugly history. 
      December 19, 2019 8:12 PM MST

  • 16646
    The importance of drugs in my daughter's life can NOT be overrated, Ventolin keeps her alive. Without it, she'd suffocate.
      December 19, 2019 11:14 PM MST

  • 53406

      I didn’t dispute that, nor did I imply it, nor did I infer it, nor did I intimate it. I am not referring to any one person’s anecdotal perspective of a positive result of prescribed drugs. I made that clear on my response to you. I referred to the general outlook that many people have towards both legitimate and illicit drugs; that they are crutches without which they could not live. Too many people seek some “silver bullet” that will solve their problems in place of other options. You have twice harped on how prescription drugs were helpful, as if to assume that your personal experiences are the only ones that exist. Without detracting from how well it’s worked out for you, and for millions of other people too, there is also another aspect to it. I do not know every person in the world nor every experience each person has had, so my comments cover a general scope, not a narrow one. I know you are an intelligent man, above average in intelligence, in fact, so I don’t know why you keep batting this around as if you think I’m singling you out and disparaging you. 
      December 20, 2019 7:41 PM MST

  • 33867
      March 14, 2020 7:56 AM MDT