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Can we offer our support and best wishes to Slarti?

Frefighters Andrew O’Dwyer, left, and Geoffrey Keaton.These two volunteer firefighters died today in the Blue Mountains in one of the largest mega-fires. They were driving their firetruck to a fire when a burning tree fell on their truck, toppled it and crushed them. The three other members of the crew were badly injured.
These volunteers are the equals of professionals in their training, experience and equipment. Australia does not yet have a paid firefighting force.

Today in Adelaide - Slarti's area - the heat hit 48.8 degrees and catastrophic conditions. Fires started up all around Adelaide and one person died.
There is another week of ultra-high catastrophic heat conditions predicted.
Due to the drought, there is almost no likelihood of rain this summer.
Electricity power lines are at risk of being downed - which will mean the failure of electricity supply for airconditioning.
Smoke affects the air quality, causing sore eyes and throats and severe increases in breathing difficulties for those with asthma and lung deseases. Vulnerable people like babies, the elderly and the sick are at risk of death from heatstroke.

One of the problems is lack of enough water to fight the fires.

Posted - December 20, 2019


  • 14795
    With no water,how are they coping are the aborigines that roam copping and also the wild life ,I just can't visualize what it must be like......I wonder when people will beging to sit up and take notice fully of what natures trying to tell them ..
      December 20, 2019 3:48 AM MST

  • 53686


    I don’t know HOW this post got past my notice last year!  I’m so sorry to learn of this, Slart!

      June 6, 2020 2:40 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Of course. Hope everyone is OK.
      June 6, 2020 2:49 AM MDT