So stupid.
you should have saved that one for Bromide.
Glitter Bromide? I hope you sent him that
He knows how to save it from the Internet, if he so wishes...:-(...
Well THAT sure isn't what I meant.
Funny I just asked that a moment ago. LOL
You said a member seemed sane, if not for their choice in political candidate. If you're friends with that member, so be it, but we can't track the friendships of thousands of people and it reads like a personal attack.
Our rules haven't changed at all and the mods made the right call on that one.
It's only natural for some to praise and kiss butt when things are going their way, say perhaps the site owners derriere. When a little shift in tide takes place, then they get all bent out of shape. For some people a nice flavored tea is very soothing during evening hours, as one tries to put the days drama behind them. After a good nights rest, they feel much better and tend to see things differently. Wishing you a much better tomorrow ... whining is so not cool. Wait, OMG! .. do people even use the word cool ... heck, that's all I've got.
There's plenty of goofing.
Try the Not Trump for President of aM versus SapphicHeart-Winged Wonder campaigns - spoof on USA campaign.
Quite a few others around too.
It turned out to be a near " Kiss of Death" for me... Turned out to be a 48 hour suspension !
Sure you can!
Just don't name another member. We can't always rely on our, super deluxe, "Friend-Tracker". It's still in developement and has some bugs :)
Hey, It's Old School! Come on! WE need you to run with Margarite Matisse for co-President of aM. Together you could be LivesBeloved. See Not Trump's question where he asks whether aM should have a president and if so who. We have a fabulous team there in WonderHeart who propose no taxes, fair play and love only - doing a great job but not enough people getting into the campaign.We have the dangerous Mr Not Trump promoting himself but with policies fluctuating and wild assertions that he has a massive erection election support base - but if it turns out to be true we are lost.
We NEED Margarite's sensitivity and your good sense, and the brains of both of you, to help build this site to its full potential, show us the way, even team up with WingedHeart - anything but Trump - please!
Oh gosh! Free nipples? Really? Oh goodie! :) I mean, on hot summer days, why shouldn't we females be free to strip off our shirts as easily as men do? And suckle our babes where and whenever they demand. I've been a ban-the-bra girl since the seventies -- especially since I was never able to fit into one anyway - there was nothing to see except the nipples.
And free grammar too? Yippeee! :) Finally, the reign of reason arrives. Rigid grammar restricts creativity and expression, suppresses individual style, and works against the natural evolution of language. The Constitution of aM needs to protect grammatical freedom.
VOTE #WingedHeart2016