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WHY DID PRESIDENT MORON CRIMINAL PARDON THAT MURDERING NAVY SEAL? What possible reason did he have for that one?

Posted - December 30, 2019


  • 1152
    That's simple.

    Because a large proportion of the GOP/Trump  MAGAt base consists of bigots. They want to see N*gg*rs, Sp*cs, G**ks, and F***ing Hadjis...sorry, I forgot to switch to dog whistle...I mean "welfare queens," "illegal aliens," "the people stealing 'our' jobs", and "terrorists" suffer.

    It's the same reason he pardoned convicted felon Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

    Pardoning of the Navy SEAL who committed war crimes is a signal to Trump's bigoted deplorables voting contingent that he's going to make The Bad People Suffer.

    Or, at least, if someone else makes The Bad People suffer (even if doing so is blatantly illegal), Trump will forgive those felons.

    Welcome to the cold political calculus of racial resentment.
      December 30, 2019 7:39 AM MST

  • 23834

    I admit I haven't read about that pardon in large detail but what I have read, I question the pardon, too.
      December 30, 2019 8:59 AM MST

  • 5808
    Because Trump is unstable
    always identifying with Immoral Chaos
    caveman instinct
    instead of Morality.....

    Happy New Year
    Rise above it
    stand on your Moral ground
    Sociopaths will run amuck
    Trump has a Warped sense of 
    Bravery and righteousness
    from the dark ages
    He stomps on the innocent
    He worships Dictators
    who do the same thing.

    He thinks he is on the same level as Christ
    Insane he is...

    Ce' La him out.
    Be happy in the midst of Chaos
    Be not attached to that which separates 
    you from your peace
    Know only your peace in the midst of 
    the chaos of Trumpism.

    anyway, 2020 will be  as you choose
    choose wisely
    end hate speech 
    embrace Love and change the world.

      December 30, 2019 3:11 PM MST