You've got to stop winding up going there, but at least it's a warm and friendly place ....and a lot more fun that that other make believe depressive place where it's always cloudy and doom and gloom...:(
I worked that out about five mins ago and after I read one of your replies to him....I then put two and too to gether and god knows what I came up with :(
I have a cure for this...Get a large bucket. Fill it with cold water. Place your head in the bucket three times but remove it only twice...Cures EVERYTHING babe!
All I got to say is that all transactions need to go through me first. I'll need a 1040STD form completed by his Doctor, notarized accompanied by a non-refundable Payment up-front. We have to keep the product safe from disease carriers and financial assistance is NOT available.
This post was edited by Jon at January 2, 2020 7:02 AM MST
My first thought would be if I need another mummy or not. I usally bury people that sneak into my house in the peat moss bog then I dig them up in 20 years and call them Mummy ( peat moss bogs have preserving properties). Cheers and Happy New Year!