What the . . . ? I JUST GOT THROUGH TELLING YOU TO KEEP IT QUIET! What part of shut the heck up don’t you understand? If she kicks me out, that means I’ll be at your place every single night! Think about the consequences before you do something!
This post was edited by Randy D at January 5, 2020 3:33 PM MST
Didn't have anything scheduled for today so cleaning the garage, which is long overdue. Tomorrow some work. So much work last year, Good for a break. Cheers
Get this: I HAVE NEVER TAKEN A DAY OFF MY JOB EVER. I took a week off last year for gallbladder surgery that was supposed to keep me off for 2 weeks. I felt good. I went back. That is the only time. I was dying.
So, I assumed we were closed on New Year's Day. I mean I had NO appointments even. And we were open and they freaked because I was not answering my phone. I had no idea they were open. DUH.
They are acting like I do this all the time. Sheesh
No, I have the next 8 weeks off :) ok, it's because I had an operation on the 23rd December... but I am still positively gloating and going to enjoy every moment of not having to work :P
Nice, enjoy your time off, hopefully surgery nothing too serious and you feel better before soon.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at January 4, 2020 7:07 AM MST
In a way, I went to look for glass frames, I'll need them to see at work. Didn't do so well, I need my better half and his help in choosing. I have to start all over tomorrow trying to decide.
I hear ya, I hate shopping for glasses and I usually wear my contacts But that two year commitment to frames gives me panic attacks while picking them lol. Too much pressure!
Yeppers... I worked a little today. I did a little plumbing, some shopping, and installed a dishwasher. With my sidekick and bestie, Twinkles, we got the job done and I'm ready to chill.
I'm not finished yet. There is still some dripping. Nothing I can't fix. I will need you to help me with the caulk
This post was edited by Jon at January 2, 2020 5:47 PM MST
No, I don't know when I will have to go in again...it gets a bit boring if I get up and the house is empty. It's not good having no I be around to anoy end get on their nerves till they get home...l:(