Hopefully he'll be a NO term president.
That's a big...
I got a horrible feeling that that may be true too. Cheers!
Maybe he will be satisfactory. I do not know. I hope the democrat party will clean up once hillary loses and reboot
Nah. In fact, we'll finally have a legitimate reason to repeal the 22nd Amendment.
Hardly, others have served three terms before, hell be the next Three termed.President.
I doubt it there is way too much to clean up after Goofy leaves.
If that thing ever made it the whole country would have one term left.
It would be terminal for all of us!
Yeah, and that's only in a few months when Goofy leaves. Gonna be a lot for Trump to clean up though . . .
I vote no Trump at all
but then what?
it's scary that he might get elected.
and the 2nd. Too many yahoos running around shooting people and not able to get into a decent bar-fight without drawing a firearm. Woosies
We're happy you see it that way.
There would NOT be a.need for anymore elections.
Everything would be great again, or for the.first time all least.
I know, believe. me
Good thinking!! We will adopt that as.our new slogan.
"Not Donald Trump, because He is all you'll ever need!"
We can do it, SARP !
I know what you really mean when you say Goofy.
Wink wink,
I think it's.terrific!
Of course !!
There will NOT be a need for another election.
What for, when everything is running smooth, and there are.no more undesirables ruining the place.
I mean, right?
only time will tell, theres no way of knowing that or even if hes going to win