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Did YOU feel it too? ~

Posted - January 18, 2020


  • I’ve been feeling it since 1986 now. 

      January 18, 2020 9:28 AM MST

  • 53368

      Hmmmm, that long, huh?  Well, it sounds as if it could be serious, so I'd better take a look. Let's just get this gown off of you . . . relax, relax, relax, I'm doctor, a trained professional! I'm sure you don't have anything I haven't seen on hundreds of other women before. Now, back to the gown. 

      January 18, 2020 9:55 AM MST

  • Wait what? I didn’t know you are a doctor! I want two ponies now that I know you have doctor money -_- 
      January 18, 2020 10:02 AM MST

  • 53368

      It says in the Doctors' Creed that I must conduct an extremely thorough physical examination on you to ensure you get the right ponies for your physique.  (Cough, cough,.)
      January 18, 2020 10:34 AM MST

  • Or you could just buy me all the ponies to be safe I get the proper one. I’m being helpful and save you some time. 
      January 18, 2020 10:36 AM MST

  • 53368

      Ignoring medical care is the number one factor in poor health. You can play cowgirl some other time . . . hey, wait!  I have an idea where we can combine me playing doctor and you having your cowgirl fantasy all at the same time. Just let me slip out of this lab coat and street duds. 

      January 18, 2020 11:00 AM MST

  • Okay but I want to wear the stethoscope. Dr. Cowgirl.  
      January 18, 2020 11:45 AM MST

  • 53368

      January 18, 2020 11:58 AM MST

  • I think so, but it could be gas too.  
      January 18, 2020 10:05 AM MST

  • 10686
    No and I've told you a hundred times that I have no intention of feeling it. Go away!
      January 20, 2020 3:22 AM MST

  • 53368

      It doesn’t even begin to register until the thousandth time. I have to be sure you know what you want. 

      January 20, 2020 6:42 AM MST

  • 14795
    Feel it , ! no never.....I just stamped on it ,as I've heard those nasty Mamba  trouser snakes can lead to unwanted nasty bumps developing quite quickly..:( 
      January 20, 2020 3:43 AM MST