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Would you believe that I both imagine and practice for the first day Jane S finally invites me over to her place?


Posted - January 21, 2020


  • 783
    Ooh la la, sounds steamy. 
      January 21, 2020 8:06 PM MST

  • 5391
    In vain, I suspect. 
      January 21, 2020 8:11 PM MST

  • 53367

      A guy can dream, pal, a guy can always dream. *Sigh.*

      January 21, 2020 8:14 PM MST

  • 5391
    Rue the day we no longer can. 
      January 21, 2020 8:19 PM MST

  • 44540
    I can see that. What are you wearing?

      January 22, 2020 10:54 AM MST

  • 53367

      I’m upping the coverage on both my health insurance and my life insurance. And by the way, in the event of my mysterious disappearance and/or untimely death, open the sealed envelope that is taped to the underside of the bottom drawer in my bedroom dresser, it’s marked, “Evidence.”


    This post was edited by Randy D at January 23, 2020 12:49 PM MST
      January 22, 2020 10:20 PM MST

  • 1893
    Bad day at the keyboard I see, leave work it will improve the situation
      January 22, 2020 3:51 PM MST

  • 10684
    And are you also imagining the pigs flying by your window?  Or perhaps hell freezing over?
      January 23, 2020 3:20 AM MST