I have to buy a new washing machine tonight because mine won’t drain or spin anymore. I’d rather shove toothpicks in my eyeballs than have to go to a laundry mat this weekend. I NEED TO WASH MY CLOTHES!
I don’t even really care if I get a deal. I just want to be able to get it delivered this weekend. I had to take mine apart about a month ago Cos it was doing this before so I watched a YouTube video how to do it. It took me about 5 hours Cos I had to take it apart from the back and I kept screwing it up and have to redo it. I’m so annoyed, I’m just going to buy one of those olden days washers That load at the top Cos these front loaders are bullshizzat.
Lol thanks:) I’m one of those weirdos who like doing dishes by hand.
I was going to say next “I’m calling an assassin.” but we both know where that will lead...