C. “Find” religion, or Jesus, or God, or some other higher power.
C1. Convert to a different religion.
D. Practically live in the prison library and finally read all those classics that have been neglected for so long.
E. Get violated in the shower/drop the soap, either intentionally or unintentionally.
F. Consider suicide.
G. Get released early for good behavior.
H. Join a criminal gang.
I. Learn a foreign language.
J. Become another prisoner‘s girlfriend.
K. Take up smoking.
K1. Quit smoking.
L. Construct a makeshift weapon.
M. Keister something.
N. Rat.
O. Harass the “new fish”.
P. Write a book about the experiences.
R. Suck up to the corrections officers.
S. Be the troublemaker type of prisoner who is constantly sent to segregation.
T. Take up the harmonica.
U. Two or more of the above, specifically: ________.
V. Why the heck is this list so long?
W. There’s no way in heck I’m going to read all . . . oh, wait, I’m almost at the end.
X. None of the above/completely different answer(s), specifically: ________.
