Now they're banning people and cracking down on "fake news". I wonder if The Onion will count? Will there have to be a "Fake News" warning label on posts now just like Tipper Gore ... moreNow they're banning people and cracking down on "fake news". I wonder if The Onion will count? Will there have to be a "Fake News" warning label on posts now just like Tipper Gore slapped on album covers in the 80s and 90s? What if a "real" news story gets labeled as "fake"?
SHOULDN'T they kick off ALL people with EXTREME views?If this was the 80s the PMRC would have kicked off Heavy Metal and Hardcore Punk bands. You know. Tipper Gore. Gore. Tipper Go... moreSHOULDN'T they kick off ALL people with EXTREME views?If this was the 80s the PMRC would have kicked off Heavy Metal and Hardcore Punk bands. You know. Tipper Gore. Gore. Tipper Gore.I KNOW they CAN, but SHOULD?What does PET think?
Will PET ban Twitter?Will Twitter ban PET?What if PET joined this site?OOOOOH.
Do you engage in entrapment? Do you enjoy putting people in a corner, a box, a situation that could be very uncomfortable for them? Why would you do that?