It's an old riddle, with a subtle answer. Richard Feynman gave an account of his days at Princeton, where freshman were often accosted by sophomores with such questions. Part of Fe... moreIt's an old riddle, with a subtle answer. Richard Feynman gave an account of his days at Princeton, where freshman were often accosted by sophomores with such questions. Part of Feynman's genius was figuring things out in advance, so that he seemed to have the answer to impossible questions almost instantly.
Hint to the answer - when you look at your image in the mirror, what is hidden from view?
Update August 15, 2016: Mathologer (a YT channel that I just discovered and to which you should all subscribe, if you love math) has a detailed video on this less
Trump supporters are claiming that since Trump attended Wharton at a time when the average SAT score was a 1400 that he must have an IQ of around 156.
I'm an INTJ who had a 1420 ... moreTrump supporters are claiming that since Trump attended Wharton at a time when the average SAT score was a 1400 that he must have an IQ of around 156.
I'm an INTJ who had a 1420 SAT score, a 99 on the AFQT (got blocked by the physical for too many undocumented scars), and a 1250 GRE (that one was a bit weak because I hadn't managed to get sober yet). I also graduated from Syracuse University with a Master of Science in Library and Information Science with a 3.88 gpa.
If you apply the same standards to me that Trump supporters are applying to the Donald then I must have an IQ of at least 160. less