.In the wake of the allegations about Donald Trump's behavior around women, actress/hot 'n fancy babe Mila Kunis wrote an open letter about her experiences in Hollywood.According t... more.In the wake of the allegations about Donald Trump's behavior around women, actress/hot 'n fancy babe Mila Kunis wrote an open letter about her experiences in Hollywood.According to Kunis, she has been, "... insulted, sidelined, paid less, creatively ignored, and otherwise diminished based on my gender."On the other hand, I don't believe Kunis was selected for the role in the bourbon commercial below because of her unparalled acting ability and vast knowledge of distilled spirits. She was chosen (primarily) because she is well-known and a smoking hot young woman.So, can we have occupational roles where the primary qualification is being a desireable sex object, while still insisting that coworkers, supervisors, customers, etc. treat the people (mostly women) in those roles with the same respect we insist upon (both through social pressure and legal sanction) in other lines of work? less