It is the Clinton Health Access Initiative which does this. It is a separate entity and has been since 2010. This entity is currently working towards removing "clinton"... moreIt is the Clinton Health Access Initiative which does this. It is a separate entity and has been since 2010. This entity is currently working towards removing "clinton" from their name.They are also annoyed with the claims that it is the Clinton foundation which is giving money to AIDS drugs. The CHAI management memo has been leaked with interesting quotes such as Further, the line between CHAI and the Clinton Foundation is often blurred by the Foundation, creating ambiguity about our independence as an organization that is separately funded. CHAI is often portrayed by the Clinton Foundation as an initiative of the Foundation. The Clinton Foundation uses CHAI accomplishments in its publicity and fundraising events even though CHAI does not receive funds from these effortsand We are very concerned about cases where we meet Clinton Foundation donors who believe that they have given money to support CHAI's work because they have donated to the Clinton Foundation, when in reality CHAI does not rece... less
Donald Trump is a bigot.
Donald Trump is a demagogue.
Donald Trump is a sexist, misogynist, chauvinist pig.... moreHello:
Donald Trump is a bigot.
Donald Trump is a demagogue.
Donald Trump is a sexist, misogynist, chauvinist pig.
Donald Trump is a bully.
Donald Trump is a cheat.
Donald Trump is a pathological liar.
Donald Trump is a nativist.
Donald Trump’s campaign has proved too attractive to anti-Semites, Nazis and white nationalists, and on some level the campaign seems to be tacitly courting that constituency.
Donald Trump — judging by his own words on that disgusting tape and if you believe the dozen-plus women who have come forward to accuse him of some form of sexual assault or unwanted sexual advance — is an unrepentant predator.
To put it more succinctly, Donald Trump is a lowlife degenerate with the temperament of a 10-year-old and the moral compass of a severely wayward teen.Please don't sully yourself.excon less
Several people did and were arrested for voter fraud. Should he have looked at voter laws of each state? Not all states have the same voter laws. Trump said he wanted to avoid vote... moreSeveral people did and were arrested for voter fraud. Should he have looked at voter laws of each state? Not all states have the same voter laws. Trump said he wanted to avoid voter fraud, so people could vote twice and then cancel the first vote. Voting twice is not allowed in many states. So, people who are counting the number of people committing voter fraud should consider the circumstances.
Just because "they kept him out of jail" does not mean he belonged there.Maybe they kept him out of jail because they know how to fight mindless accusations? I have yet to he... moreJust because "they kept him out of jail" does not mean he belonged there.Maybe they kept him out of jail because they know how to fight mindless accusations? I have yet to hear what is in these damning emails that would make Hillary shudder in her shoes.The big issue? There are TONS of emails. SO F********KING WHAT? What has been in these horrible emails? Obviously nothing. That is why they keep digging. This is a witch hunt plain and simple and any time they find some hot buzz word like someone talking about jail time being thrown at them, all hell breaks loose from those who don't like to check facts but glom onto whatever the latest catch phrase hits them that sounds RIGHT.Jail - BAAD so must be something to it. Anyone who wants to be kept out of jail by THEM is a crook. RIGHT? Who doesn't say things like this on a daily basis? My attorney kept me out of jail too. I wasn't supposed to GO there in th... less
Dead people voting, people voting in multiple states, illegals voting, voting in person and in mail, people stealing mail in ballots....---UPDATE--- We are not talking about ... moreDead people voting, people voting in multiple states, illegals voting, voting in person and in mail, people stealing mail in ballots....---UPDATE--- We are not talking about 14 votes. But 14 cases of voter fraud each account for more than just one vote. AZ an illegal proved he could get a voter ID card (he says to settle a bet), CO there are over a dozen people voted twice, FL an election worker was charged with marking ballots (don't know how many) and mail in ballots have been stolen and used to vote, Il over 100 dead people have voted (granted not the 100,000 they have been know for in the past), IN 837,000 people are registered to vote with out-of-state addresses IA there were 3 people voted twiceMO a mayor passed out absentee ballots and told the people he would be back later to pick them up TX is investigating "vote harvesting" at retirement/nursing homes and voter machines supposed to be swapping votes, VA has over 1000 noncitizens registered to vote and about 20% h... less
Peter Kadzik of the DOJ sent an email from his private account to John Podesta who is hillary's campaign chair to update on the status of state department emails investigation. He ... morePeter Kadzik of the DOJ sent an email from his private account to John Podesta who is hillary's campaign chair to update on the status of state department emails investigation. He even made the subject of the email "heads up". This is back in 2015.This same Kadzik is the one who sent a letter to democrats in congress saying that the DOJ would make sure the put the resources to make sure the new email investigation went "expeditiously". He is a long time friend of John Podesta. John even says peter "kept him out of prison".Is this obvious collusion ok?Do even hillary supporters now understand why people do not trust the DOJ? less
The classic question of who polices the police? A senior DOJ official has assured democrats in congress that the hillary investigation will be done as quickly as possible.&nb... moreThe classic question of who polices the police? A senior DOJ official has assured democrats in congress that the hillary investigation will be done as quickly as possible. That official is also friends and was a lawyer for the hillary campaign chair john podesta. John Podesta say that this official kept him out of jail. So if the DOJ is in the pocket of the hillary campaign and will cover up for that reason then who prosecutes that?