What will bunker boy do to NASCAR? Imprison all of them? Shut them down? Shut them up? TAX them to death? Track them target them tweet about them hound them badger them drive them ... moreWhat will bunker boy do to NASCAR? Imprison all of them? Shut them down? Shut them up? TAX them to death? Track them target them tweet about them hound them badger them drive them bonkers like he is?He can't let that insult go by..an insult to all RACISTS everywhere.Will NASCAR go out of business since all their attendees are racist Confederates? Well we will find out now won't we?
Though a born new yorker his every bit of dna SCREAMS CONFDERACY CONFEDERACY CONFDERACY!So he'd be a TURNCOAT traitor fighting to destroy the union.He's done a very good job during... moreThough a born new yorker his every bit of dna SCREAMS CONFDERACY CONFEDERACY CONFDERACY!So he'd be a TURNCOAT traitor fighting to destroy the union.He's done a very good job during his reign of terror to destroy the country. Only to give it back to CONFEDERATES no doubht who would immediately resusciate SLAVERY, deny women the right to vote and go back to not allowing women to own property or have jobs or have any say in anything.
That is definitely a smack in the face from the military guy so of course bunker boy can't let it slide by.He will come out attacking insulting Milley telling us how poor a job he ... moreThat is definitely a smack in the face from the military guy so of course bunker boy can't let it slide by.He will come out attacking insulting Milley telling us how poor a job he has done. Wanna bet he doesn't boot Milley in the butt however he can and soon?Apologizing for being seen marching with the bunker boy? Uh-oh!
Bias always goes to protect wrong bad liars unjust unfair dishonorable. Anyone knows THAT!Bias is never needed to protect right good true fair honorable
Wonder how he is gone weave in and weave out to get that in?LAW AND ORDER according to him means pardoning all criminals for all their crimes.Out of one side of his mouth he talk b... moreWonder how he is gone weave in and weave out to get that in?LAW AND ORDER according to him means pardoning all criminals for all their crimes.Out of one side of his mouth he talk big talk while out of the other side he aids and abets and institages crime. His peeps buy every line.
Germany has the DECENCY to recognize the hate and not extoll it as a part of their history they want to honor and celebrate.In America folks who support Confederate anything are ve... moreGermany has the DECENCY to recognize the hate and not extoll it as a part of their history they want to honor and celebrate.In America folks who support Confederate anything are very weird very odd very peculiar very queer. Honoring those who tried to destroy the country they SAY they adore. Bullony!
This is the history of which you are so proud you insist on flying your symbols of that traitorhood traitorship traitorville?Boy. Now I've heard everything.