It isn't ALL LIVES that are being murdered you ignotant twit!IT IS BLACK LIVES THAT ARE BEING TAKEN. That's the point. How stupid dumb are the young who have no skills or interest ... moreIt isn't ALL LIVES that are being murdered you ignotant twit!IT IS BLACK LIVES THAT ARE BEING TAKEN. That's the point. How stupid dumb are the young who have no skills or interest vis a vis comprehending what surrounds them. Have no interest in researching investigating finding out the WHY. Just spout off because they think they're hot stuff and wax stupid as if they have a lock on truth.I don't know her name. But allegedly she is known to many. And so it goes. Famous dumb carries weight. Why I don't know.Is in't that just black lives matter. It's BLACK LIVES MATTER TOO. less
We has seen the enemy and they is us.No. The enemy will always be the powers that be that use their power AGAINST the people not for them.Every evil despot dictator is the enemy. E... moreWe has seen the enemy and they is us.No. The enemy will always be the powers that be that use their power AGAINST the people not for them.Every evil despot dictator is the enemy. Every FASCIST RACIST is the enemy. Every gubment that support them is THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE.How long can we the people survive the enemy targeting us 24/7 for extinction? Are we there yet?
Pitting the military against we the people! Depriving us of our Constitutional RIGHT to peaceably assemble to protest grievances. THAT was the last straw apparently.The john has ig... morePitting the military against we the people! Depriving us of our Constitutional RIGHT to peaceably assemble to protest grievances. THAT was the last straw apparently.The john has ignored or trashed the Constitution since DAY ONE of his reign of TERROR. No one said didly for 3 years and counting. They just resigned or were fired and kept their mouths SHUT.But a bridge too far even for them has occurred and now perhaps that dam* has finally burst and will flood what lies below and wash it away. I don't know.The military takes an OATH to protect the CONSTITUTION and by extension the country and its people.No mlitary person ever took an oath to protect a defective insane homo sap. But their actions speak louder and it seems SOME OF THEM have rolled over and trampled their oaths and are now reacting to the chump dog whistles and are treating WE THE PEOPLE as the enemy. less
Allegedly our wrongful invasion of Iraq (the gubment at that time purposely LIED TO US) created more terrorists than any single act! Why did bush et al LIE to get us into a wrongfu... moreAllegedly our wrongful invasion of Iraq (the gubment at that time purposely LIED TO US) created more terrorists than any single act! Why did bush et al LIE to get us into a wrongful war?One swell foop of stupidity and cupidity and now we done did unintentionally the worst wrong thing among many worser wronger things.Gubments always lie to have their way with us. Never to benefit us. Always to benefit some erratic erotic esoteric exotic pedantic romantic frantic ignorant stupid dumb goal of "the powers that be". ALWAYS THAT.We almost always elect ignoramuses. Anyone know why?Are other countries' citizens as dependable in voting for the worst of the very worst in their elections as we are? Go for the dumb you can't go wrong? SIGH. Well y'all done elected worst more evil more idiotic imbecolic insane inane dumb in existence. THAT TAKES REAL TALENT! Congrats to the guilty parties. Gonna do it again are ya? Of course yar. less
EXERCISE my pretties!A suit of armor weighs between 33-55 POUNDS! That's right. So every day when you armorize yourself before you leave the house you will be getting tons of exerc... moreEXERCISE my pretties!A suit of armor weighs between 33-55 POUNDS! That's right. So every day when you armorize yourself before you leave the house you will be getting tons of exercise! Isn't that AWESOME?Autos will have to reconfigured to accommodate an armorized driver obviously.Buses too. The current seats are not commodious enough.A brand new world bigger and better awaits! Will donjohnchump wear armor? Hahahahahahahaha. Are you kidding me? No. He will live 24/7 in the bowels of the white house hunkered down in that bunker until he dies or leaves office whichever comes first.He will continue being a devotee of FAUX NEWS Tweets press conference where he raves and rants and rages daily. That part won't change. But he will be secured somewhere safe from all in the bowels of bunkers and hunkered down. Good ta know. less
That way when the shootout between the weaponized military and the weaponized cops occurs the bullets will PING off us and not be embedded in our flesh. Armor is bullet proof isn't it?
If cops get uppity and mouth off to the soldiers will soldiers have the authority to shoot them dead?I wonder if donjohnchump will think this true and try to anticipate any unfortu... moreIf cops get uppity and mouth off to the soldiers will soldiers have the authority to shoot them dead?I wonder if donjohnchump will think this true and try to anticipate any unfortunate circumstances attendant thereto or will he do what he always does? Ad lib react automatically emotionally?It will be tons of fun no matter how he does do it won't it?
We nonguns aren't gonna like it at all. Guns make us very nervous. Guns are used to kill living things. At any moment a gunholding anyone can shoot us dead.Will they all carry assa... moreWe nonguns aren't gonna like it at all. Guns make us very nervous. Guns are used to kill living things. At any moment a gunholding anyone can shoot us dead.Will they all carry assault weapons rifles handguns?What will be the weapon of choice? What is the most dependable weapon to have on you when you want to shoot to kill?
Is the current military in bed with donjohnchump or anti-him?I don't know. A few big shots have finally spoken out against him but are the nickel and dime soldiers pro chump or ant... moreIs the current military in bed with donjohnchump or anti-him?I don't know. A few big shots have finally spoken out against him but are the nickel and dime soldiers pro chump or anti chump? I guess we shall find out one way or another.Will the molitary obey and patrol our streets to keep us in line in accordance with the demands orders of the donjohnchump? Our future near future?
They're both old fat amoral and have more than a few screws loose. A marriage made in heaven than which there will never any whicher ever.They round each other early enough that th... moreThey're both old fat amoral and have more than a few screws loose. A marriage made in heaven than which there will never any whicher ever.They round each other early enough that the pair bound together forever will make a mark on history.Melania is pretty but how does her brain work?It is fate that donjohnchump and liddlebillybarrroycohn are a couple. FATE is what brought them together. Nothing will put them asunder. Hand in hand they lurch and stumble into the sunset. FADE TO BLACK.