I think gold is valued by so much per ounce. The fatter Don Guano gets the more his adoring worshippers will pay him. It is in his best interest to keep obesing until he dies.
Ohio elected its first LESBIAN SHERIFF who had been fired for being gay by the man she REPLACED.That m'dears is a perfect example of POETIC JUSTICE. Now you know what it looks like.
They say "the 3rd time's the charm" but I bet the Don Guano insurrectionists can charm the he** out of wood right now so why not loterize it for everyone to enjoy?EXCEPT OF COURSE ... moreThey say "the 3rd time's the charm" but I bet the Don Guano insurrectionists can charm the he** out of wood right now so why not loterize it for everyone to enjoy?EXCEPT OF COURSE only white supremacists domestically violent terrorist racists are eligible.AS usual.Bet the fix will be in and Don Guano will "win" that just like he done won the 2020 "election".How sweet it is.Get everyone all juiced up on the kickapoo joy juice they obviously swig night and day to make them all "that way".But everyone will be ordered to play. EVERYONE. NO EXCEPTIONS. Just because only those who kiss the Don Guano a** are eligible don't make no never mind.The Don wants everyone to play his game. So play away all day.I wonder how many billions the pot could be knowing it was going to the Don?. less
Of course this is simply another WHAT IF?.Would you want to "die" not knowing or would you want to finally know all there is to know?Why would you NOT want all your questions answe... moreOf course this is simply another WHAT IF?.Would you want to "die" not knowing or would you want to finally know all there is to know?Why would you NOT want all your questions answered?Oh. You have none? You are certain about everything? Okey dokey. XXX
We "think" or we "believe" there is or there isn't. We cannot KNOW because we limited by our current experience. From that we extrapolate to a "what is" we cannot possibly assess.N... moreWe "think" or we "believe" there is or there isn't. We cannot KNOW because we limited by our current experience. From that we extrapolate to a "what is" we cannot possibly assess.Now most of us realize that so we are not hard-nosed or stubborn or rigid. We allow for being wrong about what we "suppose" "Opine" "Believe" "Think" .So where are we? In the exact same place as everyone else. Until we reach the "after" we don't KNOW.Only ARROGANCE would cause us to think we do.Are you?
FIRST LIMBO For unbaptized and virtuous Pagans..maybe he belongs here too. How would I know?SECOND LUST Anyone controlled by hormones. D... moreFIRST LIMBO For unbaptized and virtuous Pagans..maybe he belongs here too. How would I know?SECOND LUST Anyone controlled by hormones. Dames sue him for sexual impropriety/RAPE. So he fits hereTHIRD GLUTTONY The guy weighs 400lbs. His appearance attests to his being a gluttonFOURTH GREED Money grubbers and the overly materialistic Once again he fits bigly bigtimeFIFTH ANGER Wrathful soul always angry at someone and usually in multiplicitiesSIXTH HERESY He uses GOD and BIBLES for photo ops and fake "belief". He is an heretic head to toeSEVENTH VIOLENCE Well he has ginned up violence ever since he ran for prez. Also 1/6/21 is his. He fits here EIGHTH FRAUD I WUZ ROBBED is the biggest fraud but he is also being charged with more multiplesNINTH TREACHERY Where all historical TRAITORS end ... less
Need to feel validatedSeek an identityAre followers not leadersSeek meaningHave Schizotypal thinking (bordering on the edge of Schizophrenia)Highly suggestibleConstantly blame othe... moreNeed to feel validatedSeek an identityAre followers not leadersSeek meaningHave Schizotypal thinking (bordering on the edge of Schizophrenia)Highly suggestibleConstantly blame othersAlways angryHave very low self-esteemYour insurrectionists. Maybe you too if you are a fan of Don Guano and a member of his cult. Didja know?