Of course the trump and his et al will blame it all on ANTIFA BLACK LIVES MATTER and the DEEP STATE child cannibal sex trafficking/ WHAT? His pant on backwards of course. So unawar... moreOf course the trump and his et al will blame it all on ANTIFA BLACK LIVES MATTER and the DEEP STATE child cannibal sex trafficking/ WHAT? His pant on backwards of course. So unaware of hisself he didn't even notice it. AND NO ONE CHECKED HIM OUT FOR DECENCY BEFORE HE WENT ON STAGE. NO ONE! NOT ONE PERSON.Now how ja like it? A lot or not? So now the trump and his et al are the backwards pants guy? Fly it up the flagpole to see who salutes?
All the wannabes saw the same thing and know they have a huge wide opening to run for prez in 2024.Mebbe the trump and his et all should shut up and stay on the sidelines. His appe... moreAll the wannabes saw the same thing and know they have a huge wide opening to run for prez in 2024.Mebbe the trump and his et all should shut up and stay on the sidelines. His appearances are working against him not for him. No one loves him enough to tell him so out he goes making a dam* fool of himself showing how far down the scale of "TOUGH GUY" he dropped. A pathetic hologram.Where is his family? Do they all not love him enough to rescue him in his final days? Or are they quietly happy watching his demise by his own hand? Sad that. less
The trump speech last night was "very low energy" but dangerous still.The low-energy guy is old fat and out of shape. STRIKE THAT. That implies he was ever in shape which he wasn't... moreThe trump speech last night was "very low energy" but dangerous still.The low-energy guy is old fat and out of shape. STRIKE THAT. That implies he was ever in shape which he wasn't.Wounded lions are very dangerous. The trump and his et al are all wounded. The danger is rising fast.Along with the humiliation of being mocked ridiculed and poked fun at.KABOOM!
All the defectives and rejects are put together in one place and sold TO CLEAR.You do know what this is all about don't you?The trump and his et al gathered together being as how t... moreAll the defectives and rejects are put together in one place and sold TO CLEAR.You do know what this is all about don't you?The trump and his et al gathered together being as how they were rejected by the rest of us. Just waiting to be noticed and boughten up to stop the humiliation of being passed up.That's what happens to stuff no one wants.Also people.
Is the GOOD LIFE the easy life with few worries or fears?Is the BETTER LIFE the one with many things to be overcome?Is GOOD character limited or facilitated by DNA? Is a GOOD role ... moreIs the GOOD LIFE the easy life with few worries or fears?Is the BETTER LIFE the one with many things to be overcome?Is GOOD character limited or facilitated by DNA? Is a GOOD role model essential or will any old thing do?