John Hobhouse stating His Majesty's Loyal Opposition in 1828 in a debate in the British ParliamentLoyal Opposition DefinitionA minority party especially in a legislative body whose... moreJohn Hobhouse stating His Majesty's Loyal Opposition in 1828 in a debate in the British ParliamentLoyal Opposition DefinitionA minority party especially in a legislative body whose opposition to the party in power isCONSTRUCTIVERESPONSIBLEBOUNDED BY LOYALTY TO FUNDAMENTAL INTERESTS AND PRINCIPALSTHE BIG LIE political party is the opposition. It is loyal to white supremacy racism and a deviant pervert.It's take on the President's speechStruck out on all countsThe take of others? A homerun.There used to be a LOYAL OPPOSITION back in the day when there was GRAND OLD PARTY aka REPUBLICAN. THE BIG LIE political party does not allow it. Hack and slay all the way every day no matter what. The conjoined joint and only position a BIG LIE supporter is allowed to take OR ELSE. less
The queerly peculiarly odd thing is that what America needs to be saved from is all of THEM!Our current-day "confederates" hold that view. Somehow their brains got twisted around a... moreThe queerly peculiarly odd thing is that what America needs to be saved from is all of THEM!Our current-day "confederates" hold that view. Somehow their brains got twisted around and they really believe that.Once again the union has to fight them to the death I guess. They are onslaughting and marauding and conspiring and colluding and lying and scheming and killing and murdering and planning to rise again. MILLIONS of them.Will the Civil War never be over? Will the fight continue on until the end of days? Will there never be peace and tranquility within because within is where the worst threat to our democracy resides? Alas poor America we knew ye well.I guess for some things there are no solutions. Is this one of them? less
Or are you always serious 24/7 because life's no laughting matter?Focus on happy or revengeFoicus on building or destroyingFocus on shoring up or tearing downFocus on being better ... moreOr are you always serious 24/7 because life's no laughting matter?Focus on happy or revengeFoicus on building or destroyingFocus on shoring up or tearing downFocus on being better than you were the day before or learning to enjoy the scum the muck the swillHow do you spend your days? Vendetta revenge betraying cheating scoundreling? Some do and I just wonder what that does to their children.Being raised by those whose hate is great and becomes greater each day for "the other". The goal for them is to "WIN" by any means possible no matter what it takes. Sad. less
THE BIG LIE political party. Ir puts down shoots down throws down is down on America! The anti us disgusts me bigly.That foreign country Muggers WANT us to succeed is touching. Tha... moreTHE BIG LIE political party. Ir puts down shoots down throws down is down on America! The anti us disgusts me bigly.That foreign country Muggers WANT us to succeed is touching. That within the country BIG LIE partisans dont" Upchuck barf throw up.I would trade our foreign country suppoters for THE BIG LIE traitors any day of the week. Sadly it's not an option.
Mine is 7. Why? Well my dad was 7 years older than my mom and I'm 7 years older than my sister so when I was a youngster and noticed it I thought that worked pretty well and just e... moreMine is 7. Why? Well my dad was 7 years older than my mom and I'm 7 years older than my sister so when I was a youngster and noticed it I thought that worked pretty well and just embraced it. Sparse evidence as I look back on it now but I won't abandon it.
Once SAVED what would you do with it? Become the Monarch for Life? KING or QUEEN in perpetuity?Saving America would be quite a feat and would deserve an award reward medal.Crystal ... moreOnce SAVED what would you do with it? Become the Monarch for Life? KING or QUEEN in perpetuity?Saving America would be quite a feat and would deserve an award reward medal.Crystal VaseGold WatchDiamond anythingAfterward would you spread out and go out and save other countries or would just go out and SAVE THE WORLD?
Does it "even" the score and free you from ever thinking about it again or is it a letdown and not what you thought it would be?Inquiring minds wanna know these things!
26 year old Mario Gonzalez was murdered in Alameda, California.Knee/hands on his back. Several coppers involved in it. Dying as he lay ON THE GROUND for 5 minutes. After seve... more26 year old Mario Gonzalez was murdered in Alameda, California.Knee/hands on his back. Several coppers involved in it. Dying as he lay ON THE GROUND for 5 minutes. After several minutes allegedly he went limp.Another day another murder by cop. Just be patient. There's plenty enough to go around. Any day now. Trust me. It will happen.