There are about 600 of them now and "the powers that be" want to "pare them down" to about 200 by either KILLING or RELOCATING them to someplace else.Just apply and I think they're... moreThere are about 600 of them now and "the powers that be" want to "pare them down" to about 200 by either KILLING or RELOCATING them to someplace else.Just apply and I think they're gonna do it like a lottery! WINNERS get to participate and engage with others of their ilk.Mark it on your calendar. You can't win if you don't play. Gonna?
They are tired of their kids and don't want them around any longer. Unmasking them and throwing them in with tons of others could quite possible get them sick and die or cause othe... moreThey are tired of their kids and don't want them around any longer. Unmasking them and throwing them in with tons of others could quite possible get them sick and die or cause others to get sick and die.You say that is ridiculous? Since when is PROTECTING the life of your child a bad thing? Since when is exposing them to possible illness and death preferable? What a crock of bullpuckey!Arizona parents. Too bad they weren't sterile. Of course they could have adopted and done the same thing. Bottom line. Kids are hostages of their parents and victims of parental stupidity. less
WHADDEVER HAPPENED TOSEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATEYou do not run government from the pulpit. You do not make religious worship the centerpieice of your administration.Who the heck... moreWHADDEVER HAPPENED TOSEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATEYou do not run government from the pulpit. You do not make religious worship the centerpieice of your administration.Who the heck do these guys think they are? Control what Catholics think/do/say wherever they happen to be Catholicking? Seriously?Big shot arrogant self-serving. KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR OWN PLATE. Fix your own house. Rid your place of pedophiles and sexual deviants FIRST before you go off half-cocked lecturing people about the do's and don't of being a president. SOME NERVE! less