That's what is happening in THE BIG LIE Party. Captain disappeared months ago. What are they fighting one another for as they falsely attest to a UNITED party?I have no idea. They ... moreThat's what is happening in THE BIG LIE Party. Captain disappeared months ago. What are they fighting one another for as they falsely attest to a UNITED party?I have no idea. They just look really obtuse. He is gone. They stay. Glug glug glug glug.
Y'all support the a**kisser. She doesn't do that.Now y'all are in big trouble for not inviting FOOTOO to this shindig. It's all about him isn't it? How can you serve a meal without... moreY'all support the a**kisser. She doesn't do that.Now y'all are in big trouble for not inviting FOOTOO to this shindig. It's all about him isn't it? How can you serve a meal without the piece de resistance entree absent?
He swears Dems will steal all beef so y'all can't eat your beefburgers. Well what's wrong with PORKburgers CHICKENburgers TURKEYburgers Salmonburgers?Yup. Also Larry has a beef abo... moreHe swears Dems will steal all beef so y'all can't eat your beefburgers. Well what's wrong with PORKburgers CHICKENburgers TURKEYburgers Salmonburgers?Yup. Also Larry has a beef about his beer. The bad DEMS want to take away all non-plant beer.I don't know what y our favorite label beefbrew is but it's gonna be gone. I know. How lousy is that for you?Maybe Larry will share some of his stash of beefbrew with you.
I WUZ ROBBED!That's what the FOOTOO sez all the time already. His hats will read "WE WUZ ROBBED" and his extensive clothing line will be the same.Only he can wear the I WUZ ROBBED.... moreI WUZ ROBBED!That's what the FOOTOO sez all the time already. His hats will read "WE WUZ ROBBED" and his extensive clothing line will be the same.Only he can wear the I WUZ ROBBED. Others can wear the WE WUZ ROBBED or HE WUZ ROBBED. Everyone will buy all of them and alternate the wearing of them.The rallies will all be the "I WUZ ROBBED" rallies. Exciting isn't it?Out with the GOP. No longer useful.In with TBL. Every day in every way the basis of all is THE BIG LIE.You wuz robbedThey wuz robbedHe wuz robbedShe wuz robbedWe wuz robbedIt wuz robbedThem wuz robbedAll wuz robbedMany wuz robbedGOD wuz robbed (for the religious folk) less
What standards that all of us used to strive to meet are gone completely from TBL political party?HonorIntegrityTruthJusticePatriotismKindnessPatienceCaringConcern for "the other"A... moreWhat standards that all of us used to strive to meet are gone completely from TBL political party?HonorIntegrityTruthJusticePatriotismKindnessPatienceCaringConcern for "the other"All gone. Whew. What a smart idea. Anyone can achieve it. Just be an SOB 24/7. Simple..