Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French philosopher theologian mathematician and physicist who said humans bet their lives that GOD either exists or does not exist.His view was that... moreBlaise Pascal (1623-1662) was a French philosopher theologian mathematician and physicist who said humans bet their lives that GOD either exists or does not exist.His view was that a rational person should live as if GOD exists and seek to believe in HIM.If GOD does not exist such person will have a finite loss(some pleasures or luxuries) whereas if GOD does exist the person stands to receive infinite gains (Heaven) and avoid infinite loss (eternity in HE**)."That wager broke ground for probability theory, decision theory, existentialism pragmatism and voluntarism" allegedly. So it's a gamble. Why not gamble on the side of what will benefit you most? WHAT COULD IT HURT? WHO WOULD BE HARMED".The result of that question caused so much aggravation to a lot of people. I didn't understand why it did so I thought I'd run it up the flagpole again and see what happens. less
Yep. The half-a**ed "president" demonized those who didn't. Lied about them and viciously attacked them 24/7 at all the ego hate rallies and in all the speeches he made. A laughing... moreYep. The half-a**ed "president" demonized those who didn't. Lied about them and viciously attacked them 24/7 at all the ego hate rallies and in all the speeches he made. A laughingstock that terrorized and terrified and powerized his way to extreme right wing racist promulgations propagations incantations.He brought out of the slime the very worst homo saps and publicized them sanctified them gave his two stubby fat thumbs up. Their hero. Their soulmate.The half-a**ed did a great job for the half he represented. They adore him. For the rest of us AND THE WORLD he sucked bigly.It is what it is. The past cannot be pretzelized or mitigated or realighed or smoothed out. It is set in stone. It can be lied about of course and will be and is. The hallmark of the half-a**ed president and his lemmings. LIES.I wonder what we did to have deserved him? Any clue? less
Would you finally regret what you had done/said?Would you finally regret all the people you were instructed to hate?Would you finally regret the person(s) you believed in who were ... moreWould you finally regret what you had done/said?Would you finally regret all the people you were instructed to hate?Would you finally regret the person(s) you believed in who were vile evil satanic?Or would you insist you were right and what you were told was just fake news? Just wondering how bullheaded and wrongheaded you are even at death's edge. Anything is possible.
What was the world like before the infamous descent on a mall escalator? More importantly what was the United of America like before that day that will live in infamy?Is there any ... moreWhat was the world like before the infamous descent on a mall escalator? More importantly what was the United of America like before that day that will live in infamy?Is there any way to calculate the harm damage evil that the 2020 pres election loser hath wrought since he came into "power"? A best guess? A ballpark number?
I don't know how others perceive them but to me they are an evil laughingstock. Not remotely "religious". 100% political and support a vile cruel spawn of Satan. .Any "religious" g... moreI don't know how others perceive them but to me they are an evil laughingstock. Not remotely "religious". 100% political and support a vile cruel spawn of Satan. .Any "religious" group that supports hate and racism and destructoin is not of GOD. It is a blasphemy that cannot be forgiven.Perhaps once upon a time long ago they were true believers. Something corrupted them and changed them. y. The devil works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform. Allegedly evangelicals are the largest single block of supporters for the 2020 prez election loser. It is not a distinction of which to be most proud. It is shameful.. less
Employee cannot collect unemployment if job is openIf employee goes back to work and gets the virus the employer is PROTECTED from any lawsuits.What brilliant mind supports that ab... moreEmployee cannot collect unemployment if job is openIf employee goes back to work and gets the virus the employer is PROTECTED from any lawsuits.What brilliant mind supports that abomination? The majority senator in the usa. AT all costs he wants employers protected from the negative results of their demands. Held harmless in all cases.The employee is choiceless. It is hopeless. You refuse to go back to a he**hole environment because you don't want to get ill, spread the diseases and maybe die. Geez why?You get no unemployment money for that since a job was available and you did not go back to it.Good job protecting the culprits the perps the evildoers. They protect each other and one another 24/7. It is a given.That's the way it is in the amurrica of today.Is it that way in your country too or are there actually politicians who care about the people and act on their behalf and don't always roll over for the rich and powerful? Anyone? Anywhere? less