Because if she weren't he wouldn't be so focused on and OBSESSED with Kamala Harris. The pumpkin is JEALOUS that Joe is such a confident guy he CHOSE such a veep.You know if such a... moreBecause if she weren't he wouldn't be so focused on and OBSESSED with Kamala Harris. The pumpkin is JEALOUS that Joe is such a confident guy he CHOSE such a veep.You know if such a woman existed in the GOP the pumpkina** would never have the CAJONES to pick her.So he attacks what he is jealous of and envies and secretly wishes he were. A man so confident in his manliness and manhood he chose an EQUAL partner to govern with him.Bawk bawk bawk bawk bawk. The chickenlittle girlyman will keep it up until he sinks.Know what he is bragging about right now? Talking with Netanyahu and the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. Net is a CROOK isn't he? Did something very wrong and he got caught. The crown prince is a murderer torturer beheader ORDERER. Remember Khashoggi? So dumbdon drops those names to impress I expect. He is so dumb he has no idea what a sane thoughtful intelligent wise genius who is extremely logical would do would be to DISTANCE himself from a CROOK and a murderer torturer beheader ORDERER. Sheesh. Well... less
Joe will take New York in a heartbeat. They are thrilled to be RID OF pumpkina**. No love lost there anywhere. Florida can have him...every pound every ounce every hiccup every NAS... moreJoe will take New York in a heartbeat. They are thrilled to be RID OF pumpkina**. No love lost there anywhere. Florida can have him...every pound every ounce every hiccup every NASTY word, every smirk every snark every LIE every DOUDBLEDOWN every grimace every wrinkle every burp every stumble every mumble every bumblebumblebumble! During the VIRTUAL Dem convention pumpkin will be going to 4 BATTLEGROUND states. HOPEFULLY to perform his ACT in front of a HUGE jammed drunk as skunks audiemceall sitting butt to butt without masks or social distancing. They'll sign waivers that if they die they won't sue. Seriously who sues when dead? The stupid dumbs of course. Who else?Fun and games. Go for it pumpkin. Strike up the band. Lard your audience with African Americans carrying signs that SCREAM "BLACKS FOR TRUMP"...and the female dames with signs that read very condescendingly "HOUSEWIVES FOR TRUMP" and the mentally defectives with signs that say "CRACKPOTS FOR TRUMP".Why not? What could it hurt? Ever... less
Any time any woman asks him a simple question about a failure of his. EVERY TIME he scurries off tail between his legs/ He can't off stage fast enough. As fast as his fat thights a... moreAny time any woman asks him a simple question about a failure of his. EVERY TIME he scurries off tail between his legs/ He can't off stage fast enough. As fast as his fat thights and stubbly legs will get him he disappears. So much for tough strong macho. Wuss wimp whinya**
Every day in every way he screws himself deeper and bigger and better than ever.And folks write down EVERY WORD. And we have video/audio to watch hum stumble and bumble and mumble ... moreEvery day in every way he screws himself deeper and bigger and better than ever.And folks write down EVERY WORD. And we have video/audio to watch hum stumble and bumble and mumble and mispronounce words...more than once. How typical of him. Do it wrong then DOUBLE DOWN.
Well you see Rumpelstiltskin bet that Rapunzel would never guess his name. She did.Kamala Haris doesn't have to do a single thing. Her mere EXISTENCE terrifies and infuriates the p... moreWell you see Rumpelstiltskin bet that Rapunzel would never guess his name. She did.Kamala Haris doesn't have to do a single thing. Her mere EXISTENCE terrifies and infuriates the pumpkin. Saying nary a word off in the distance somewhere the pumpkin is cooking his own mix a metaphor. This is way cool fun to watch how he singlehandledly PREZETLIZES himself. Considering his weight and being old and out of share he will never be able to prezelize as along as he lives. He will this very crooked fat Bavarian Petzel loaded with salt dipped in a soft cheddary cheese.If the shoe fits. less