He wasn't and isn't a GRACIOUS WINNER! Whineing and kvetching and moaning and groaning and having a constant woe is me pity party. "No one likes me. It must be my personality". Vis... moreHe wasn't and isn't a GRACIOUS WINNER! Whineing and kvetching and moaning and groaning and having a constant woe is me pity party. "No one likes me. It must be my personality". Vis a vis when SCOTUS made decisions against what he wanted know what the a** said ? "I guess they don't like me". AARRGGHH! FOUR MORE YEARS OF THAT CRAP? SERIOUSLY? GAG ME WITH A SPOON! He** on steroids.
He is the monstrous crackpot who MURDERS HIS PARENTS then throws himself on the mercy of the court since he is an ORPHAN. That is him in spades.He sets the fires so he can put them... moreHe is the monstrous crackpot who MURDERS HIS PARENTS then throws himself on the mercy of the court since he is an ORPHAN. That is him in spades.He sets the fires so he can put them out and be a g-d HERO!The a** is currently working as hard as he can to make CERTAIN what he says about voting will come true. He has a few months to MAKE IT SO and so he will. COUNT ON IT.
Dam* straight the a** is happy as a clam at high tide.FIRST GET RID OF ALL THE SCIENTISTS ALL THE TRUTHTELLERS ALL THE HONORABLE ALL THE FAIR ALL THE GOOD ALL THE KIND.Done and don... moreDam* straight the a** is happy as a clam at high tide.FIRST GET RID OF ALL THE SCIENTISTS ALL THE TRUTHTELLERS ALL THE HONORABLE ALL THE FAIR ALL THE GOOD ALL THE KIND.Done and done and done and done and done and done and doneOne by one by one by one by one by one by oneThe a** and his cabal et al are dancing on the tables in the bedrooms in the bathrooms in the dungeons in the caverns in the graveyards.Get rid of all the "anti a** crowd"! Cockadoodledoo...Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh!After you get rid of all that's good do you start getting rid of those who remember them? Lobotomies for all. Zombification of the nation. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you. Be there or be square. C'mon down! Y'all come back ya hear? Serving roadkill for supper and moonshine. All you can eat or drink ON THE HOUSE! Literally dinner is being served on top of the house..white that is.. Come hungry. less
They could have given us a few days' warning during which time we would have had the option of exchanging email addresses with folks we liked and did not want to lose. BUT NO. NO S... moreThey could have given us a few days' warning during which time we would have had the option of exchanging email addresses with folks we liked and did not want to lose. BUT NO. NO SUCH COURTESY.Why not one week warning? How about 3 days? 24 hours?What is your opinion about being given warnings so you can make preparations? Is it TOO MUCH TO ASK?
So I can stop worrying about whether they are very ill or even worse dead.What could it hurt to be given that info? What law would it break? What evil would it create/generate?Woul... moreSo I can stop worrying about whether they are very ill or even worse dead.What could it hurt to be given that info? What law would it break? What evil would it create/generate?Would you like to have such a list so that YOU can stop worrying too? Why wouldn't you?
Obviously I think it's Republicans. They support a lying vile vermin "head" absotively and posilutely 24/7 no matter what HEINOUS crime he commits. They adore the he** outta the ve... moreObviously I think it's Republicans. They support a lying vile vermin "head" absotively and posilutely 24/7 no matter what HEINOUS crime he commits. They adore the he** outta the vermin guy. The a** in charge of everything in America. That is not a good sign vis a vis what they support elsewise otherwise in their lives.
I always just took it for granted like I take seasons for granted or that the sun will rise and that the oceans will ebb and flow. Do you worry about those things at all? Better wo... moreI always just took it for granted like I take seasons for granted or that the sun will rise and that the oceans will ebb and flow. Do you worry about those things at all? Better worry now. SIGH. Better worry now.
Let him be covered by FAUX NEWS who will salivate over every tired previously heard word. They get off on stupid dumb better than anyone.The rest of us will be spending time listen... moreLet him be covered by FAUX NEWS who will salivate over every tired previously heard word. They get off on stupid dumb better than anyone.The rest of us will be spending time listening to and seeing and hearing people who make SENSE who are SANE and INTELLIGENT and HONORABLE and PATRIOTIC.Almost 4 years of covering the bullsh** crap of the treason lapdog puppet boy who is also a vile vermin demon seed and his toady sycophant spineless whinya** cabal et al. ENOUGH ALREADY!
Do folks who believe they are the "life of the party" ever get a clue they aren't? What would prompt anyone to be a boor every time he (they are always a "he") shows up? Can't take... moreDo folks who believe they are the "life of the party" ever get a clue they aren't? What would prompt anyone to be a boor every time he (they are always a "he") shows up? Can't take a hint or get a grip or realize how others react?