TexasgeorgiaIowageorgiaMichigangeorgiaArizonageorgiaMontanageorgiaAny dem knocking on any door will be charged with TWO FELONIES. No exceptions. Doesn't need to be the bugner. Any ... moreTexasgeorgiaIowageorgiaMichigangeorgiaArizonageorgiaMontanageorgiaAny dem knocking on any door will be charged with TWO FELONIES. No exceptions. Doesn't need to be the bugner. Any door will do. Automatic double felony. Why? WHY NOT?All red states will IMMEDIATELY name change to reflect the new nature of its legislature.How long before it is completely a done deal? By the 2022 elections fer shurr fer shurr. After which all elections will be in the control in the red state of the FOOTOO GOP and guess what folks? Every single "winner" will be a FOOTOO republican. GUARANTEED.Enjoy. less
When the NORMAL brain realizes it has purchased a LEMON it is most unhappy and anxious to dump the lemon for something solid good useful.Bring on FOOTOO. A lemon if ever there were... moreWhen the NORMAL brain realizes it has purchased a LEMON it is most unhappy and anxious to dump the lemon for something solid good useful.Bring on FOOTOO. A lemon if ever there were one. The normal brains recognize his lemonness early on. But some find they adore lemons and make lemons the zenith of life. Adoring a lemon and exalting it to the highest level? Oddly made brains do that.There has never before been such a lemon. Will there ever be again or will this lemon never die but hang on hang out be omnipresent omnicient omniuniversal forever more?The FOOTOO LEMON is a new variety. More sour and bitter and nasty than any other. And it has an audience of millions. Who knew? less
We see it all the time 24/7 in politics. On internet social sites on TV shows in editorials. Echochambering is copycatting. No creativity at all. None.I wonder if the originators e... moreWe see it all the time 24/7 in politics. On internet social sites on TV shows in editorials. Echochambering is copycatting. No creativity at all. None.I wonder if the originators ever get ticked off at the echochamberers copycatting them or do they find it uplifting comforting supportive flattering?Good bennies?
They don't qualify.So the poor whites who support FOOTOO would buy it. Don't know if any of 'em would get rich. But they're halfway there being WHITE and all. An advantage everywhe... moreThey don't qualify.So the poor whites who support FOOTOO would buy it. Don't know if any of 'em would get rich. But they're halfway there being WHITE and all. An advantage everywhere but really one in amurrica.So there is hope for all youse moneylusters. Don't know what the book costs. Maybe y'all can pool your money, buy one copy, pass it around?Get rich enough and youtoo will dine with FOOTOO. Nothing draws FOOTOO toyou like money.
Spread it around so all gun people in all states can get a jolt and joy and a taste of the consequence of adoring guns.Now why do I mention QUOTA? Well Colorado has had more than i... moreSpread it around so all gun people in all states can get a jolt and joy and a taste of the consequence of adoring guns.Now why do I mention QUOTA? Well Colorado has had more than its share and it is already over quota.\To all you wacky nutjob crackpot gun nuts give Colorado a break! Massacre in other states.! Spread the joy. What could it hurt?
What if Jeff appeared on TV promoting CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL and castigating his Georgia numbskull bugner for what he did and is doing to the Constitutional RIGHT TO VOTE FOR ALL..no... moreWhat if Jeff appeared on TV promoting CIVIL RIGHTS FOR ALL and castigating his Georgia numbskull bugner for what he did and is doing to the Constitutional RIGHT TO VOTE FOR ALL..not just rednecks....no matter your skin color?Think it would make a dent with racist rednecks, of which JEFF IS NOT one? Would they flip over from being insurrectionist supporters and white fascist racists to real true patriotic Americans? Is Jeff that popular that he could unflip what FOOTOO flipped?I like the guy. Do you? I don't hold it against him that he was born in Georgia. Maybe as a NATIVE SON he can step up and speak up. What could it hurt? less