Some folks never take the time to think about whom they are, who is it they want to be, are they contributing as much as they are taking? Is the path they are on the right one for ... moreSome folks never take the time to think about whom they are, who is it they want to be, are they contributing as much as they are taking? Is the path they are on the right one for them?Never ever ever dare they do that. So they join everything they can and fill up every spare minute with demands on their time so they don't have any time at all to self-assess. What a mess.Are you afraid to stop and smell the roses? Are you afraid if you leave the crowd for a moment someone else will take your place and you will be out on your own? Are you afraid to shift into a different gear...go down an unknown path to just see what's there? Is solitude and solitary what you fear most? less
Dip everyone in whitewash head to toe figuratively. Now what? How do you know whom to hate and whom to suck up a** kiss and adore? YOU Don't! OH MY GAWD! How does anyone live like ... moreDip everyone in whitewash head to toe figuratively. Now what? How do you know whom to hate and whom to suck up a** kiss and adore? YOU Don't! OH MY GAWD! How does anyone live like that? Not knowing whom to hate and whom to a**kiss?A TERRIBLE FATE!
Mark Meadows speaks on the future of GOP Leadership and sez "all of them have FOOTOO as their last name".Let the games begin.Allegedly FOOTOO will tell the CPAC crowd he is t... moreMark Meadows speaks on the future of GOP Leadership and sez "all of them have FOOTOO as their last name".Let the games begin.Allegedly FOOTOO will tell the CPAC crowd he is ther their there there there presumptive 2024 nominee.Kindy cheeky ain't he? He don't know his place do he? He be so mighty so very uppity for a guy who lost by about 8 million votes. Lost over 60 couirt cases. Had the SUPREMES go against him.Cheeky uppity loser.Who could ask for anything more?
It may be an impossible request I ask but here goes.A bi-partisan reply that tells it like it is without enhancement or hyperbole. Here goes.How would you describe the FOOTOO perso... moreIt may be an impossible request I ask but here goes.A bi-partisan reply that tells it like it is without enhancement or hyperbole. Here goes.How would you describe the FOOTOO personality that puts him above the crowd? Specifics please and thank you if you can do that without being extremely partisan. Can you?
The ACTING profession is filled with those who want to stand out, be noticed, be known. I guess he same is true for POLITICS. I mean if you're shy and modest neither Acting nor Pol... moreThe ACTING profession is filled with those who want to stand out, be noticed, be known. I guess he same is true for POLITICS. I mean if you're shy and modest neither Acting nor Politics is for you.