The dumb cluck duck programming of the quack cabal is complete. He OWNS them top to bottom....body and soul. Just heard the anti-Biden symphony of dumb cluck duck quacks. "Jo... moreThe dumb cluck duck programming of the quack cabal is complete. He OWNS them top to bottom....body and soul. Just heard the anti-Biden symphony of dumb cluck duck quacks. "Joe is puppet. Not a real candidate". Over and over and over and over and over again. Why the SAME EXACT WORDS? DUH? WHY DO YOU THINK? THEY HAVE A SCRIPT THEY MEMORIZED. DUH DUH DUH DUH DUH.The duck is the lapdog puppet of putrid putin. We all know that excluding the dumb cluck duck programmed "adoring worshippers". They look straight ahead their blinders are glued to their heads. They look alike talk alike "think" (hahahahahah) alike sound alike are alike. Nothing exists for them beyond how they have so completely been unisonly exactly programmed by the dumb cluck duck. Sigh. less
Yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no and so it goesWhere is duck today? Qui ou non? Yes or no? We don't know. He is planning his florida ego hate rall... moreYes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no yes no and so it goesWhere is duck today? Qui ou non? Yes or no? We don't know. He is planning his florida ego hate rally on Saturday and no time to fiddle around with that.
Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to ... morePoor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me. Poor me. Woe is me. Everyone is out to get me...............
The Bunker you bimbo dipstick.Traitor to your wife bigly. The dumb cluck duck insulted your wife's appearance and implied your dad was involved in a murder. Yet here you are you tr... moreThe Bunker you bimbo dipstick.Traitor to your wife bigly. The dumb cluck duck insulted your wife's appearance and implied your dad was involved in a murder. Yet here you are you traitor defending the dumb cluck duck and attacking Joe Biden? You sure are a pushover a roundheels an easy "woman". You will lie down for anyone amd service him/her/it/them they. No LOYALTY to your wife or your father but loyalty to the dumb cluck duck? Sheesh. Shame on you. Your wife should be appalled at your traitoring. Poor her. less
CNN says half the states...25USA says 39.Isn't it sublime? Soon the Flu will be hitting too and the predicted rise in autumn of the Covid 19 so take care out there. A PERFECT storm... moreCNN says half the states...25USA says 39.Isn't it sublime? Soon the Flu will be hitting too and the predicted rise in autumn of the Covid 19 so take care out there. A PERFECT storm is about to hit.Don't be afraid. Don't let it dominate your life. Go out and live. Attend ego hate rallies and jam together to show how much you fear. Ga head.