If you can stretch your imagining that far what kind of president COULD HE HAVE BEEN and where would we be as a country right now?Along with never lying would come an absence of in... moreIf you can stretch your imagining that far what kind of president COULD HE HAVE BEEN and where would we be as a country right now?Along with never lying would come an absence of insults or attacks on those he perceived to be his enemy.There would be no revenge/vendetta. There would be no billybarfbarr. There would just be an ordinary man trying his very best to be a good president for all the citizens. Whether they voted for him or not. He would have taken his oath of office VERY SERIOUSLY from the get go. There would never have been any Russian influence or tawdry political hitmen or envy/jealousy/mafia thug retaliation or nepotism. There would be no ego photo ops to be used as props to trick anyone.His choices would have been people just like him trying their very best to do the very best for the country and ALL the citizens. less
Those who are smarter wiser more talented more just more honorable. Shows them up. Makes them look real bad...inadequate...inferior...inept...impotent. Which explains the demented ... moreThose who are smarter wiser more talented more just more honorable. Shows them up. Makes them look real bad...inadequate...inferior...inept...impotent. Which explains the demented duck and his adoring worshippers. They HATE what they pereceive as a threat to their survival. And so it goes.
They have a considerably higher risk of exhibiting varying mental emotional social disorders. Because they are more aware of their surroundings and more apt to be influenced by the... moreThey have a considerably higher risk of exhibiting varying mental emotional social disorders. Because they are more aware of their surroundings and more apt to be influenced by them than "ordinary" people.As I said be thankful you are typical and not atypical.There is always a price to pay for everything. The mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Smoking was believed to have started 5000-3000 B.C. in Mesoamerica and SouthAmerica. It arrived in Eurasia in the 17th century. Frenchman Jean Nicot (NICOTINE) brought tobacco to F... moreSmoking was believed to have started 5000-3000 B.C. in Mesoamerica and SouthAmerica. It arrived in Eurasia in the 17th century. Frenchman Jean Nicot (NICOTINE) brought tobacco to France in 1560. The first report of an Englishman smoking was a sailor in Bristol in 1556.Bloody crackpots. What a stupid thing to do.
He said refusing to allow the nomination of the Obama choice was "consistent with history".He sez supporting the demented duck normination is also "consistent with history"They are... moreHe said refusing to allow the nomination of the Obama choice was "consistent with history".He sez supporting the demented duck normination is also "consistent with history"They are absolutely OPPOSITESIf both are in fact consistent with history that means that there has always been wackadoodlenoodle crackpots in the Senate. Consistency does not mean logical or good or right or useful or helpful or patriotic.Consistency in stupidity? Seriously Mitt? Well you lost me. You are just like the rest of your ilk. Not a compliment. less
She implied that what we think of as "mouthing off" in California is small potatoes compared to what New Yorkers consider it being. I never thought of that but I can see her point.... moreShe implied that what we think of as "mouthing off" in California is small potatoes compared to what New Yorkers consider it being. I never thought of that but I can see her point.Do you adjust your speech according to with whom you speak based on their geographical location? I mean if you are talking to someone in Australia or Canada or England or New York is it the same or different?
As a small child she took her first guitar lessons from gypsies who camped out near her grandparents farm.From ages 9-16 she studied with ANDRES SEGOVIA...perhaps the most revered ... moreAs a small child she took her first guitar lessons from gypsies who camped out near her grandparents farm.From ages 9-16 she studied with ANDRES SEGOVIA...perhaps the most revered classical guitarist of all time.Appearances are deceiving. You have to have the patience to go through the chaff to get to the wheat. If you stop at chaff you are always wrong about what you perceive to be the entirety of others.Just a thought/opinion/observation.
We don't want to find anything that will redirect the hate. It suits. We love it. We roll around in it and fling it.We are not better than. We were just pretending.We are the dregs... moreWe don't want to find anything that will redirect the hate. It suits. We love it. We roll around in it and fling it.We are not better than. We were just pretending.We are the dregs the pits the bottom of the barrel the scum scraped off shoes that step in doodoo.Hoodoo? Dodood? Youdo? The best we can do is the demented duck? Seriously? I rest my case.Bah humbug. A worthless species these homos be. Off with their heads. Start over again.