Why did the so-called "Republican trump party" plan such a bill then put the KIBOSH on it? No new images until after 2026? Not even the trump hisself?What's the explantion for this... moreWhy did the so-called "Republican trump party" plan such a bill then put the KIBOSH on it? No new images until after 2026? Not even the trump hisself?What's the explantion for this very queer peculiar odd bizarre inexplicable turn of events?
By August as things as going now the resurgence pandemic will be at full force with more cases and more deaths everyday. Coimmitting to anything now when we don't know the sc... moreBy August as things as going now the resurgence pandemic will be at full force with more cases and more deaths everyday. Coimmitting to anything now when we don't know the scope of what lies ahead Is very chancy risky gambly.
Simple example.A doctor who weighs 400 lbs tells you that for your health you must lose 100 lbs. You weigh only 300 lbs.Does he not see the very dark humor in that? The obvious con... moreSimple example.A doctor who weighs 400 lbs tells you that for your health you must lose 100 lbs. You weigh only 300 lbs.Does he not see the very dark humor in that? The obvious contradiction? The ridiculous braindead dumbheadedness?So you are either very polite and say "yes doctor I know" or you say "LOOK WHO'S TALKING FAT BOY!"?I'm just saying the glass house dwellers throw stones 24/7 totally unaware they are vulnerable and provide the weapons for others to attack them. Dumb? I dunno what you call it scientifically but they keep setting themselves up all the time and you wait and wonder why they don't realize it? Do you know why? less
Is he not the most heroic of heroes to the CONFEDERATES?Anyone who is enraged/outraged at the taking down of CONFEDERATE HERO STATUES wonder why too?It is very odd and very weird a... moreIs he not the most heroic of heroes to the CONFEDERATES?Anyone who is enraged/outraged at the taking down of CONFEDERATE HERO STATUES wonder why too?It is very odd and very weird and very bizarre and very peculiar and very queer. What isn't?
If you don't knowA Coalition of Anti-Slavery CONSCIENCE WHIGS held a meeting in a Ripon, Wisconsin schoolhouse on March 20, 1854."REPUBLICAN" was the name suggested for the new pol... moreIf you don't knowA Coalition of Anti-Slavery CONSCIENCE WHIGS held a meeting in a Ripon, Wisconsin schoolhouse on March 20, 1854."REPUBLICAN" was the name suggested for the new political party.What happened to the Republican party that it is now the pro-slavery pro-Confederate pro anti-union pro wrhite pro racist pro FASCIST?Is there a someone to blame for the terrible injustice done? Anyone?
Neither snow nor rain nor hail nor fire nor flood nor earthquake nor lightning striking nor Alzheimer's nor senility nor absolute madness/crackpot wackadoodlenoodly shall stop you ... moreNeither snow nor rain nor hail nor fire nor flood nor earthquake nor lightning striking nor Alzheimer's nor senility nor absolute madness/crackpot wackadoodlenoodly shall stop you from your appointed rounds. Once you cleave yourself unto an adored pol you stick like SUPERGLUE.Amazing are you.