Discussion»Questions»answerMug Members» Does anyone here want to tick Randy D off? I have a plan to do so, also if you say yes, you must follow my rules to do so...SAY YES!
Ah yes, the old Vegemite ploy. Aussies can disgust just about anyone in the world by the mere thought of it. Ironic that Kraft bought the rights and it's now manufactured in the USA.
KRAFT was acquired from Philip Morris last year by Bega Cheeses, Vegemite is once more Australian owned. It was always manufactured here, the Yanks bought it but didn't shift the product, just the profits.
Didn't know it had recently been bought back. I thought I'd read somewhere that its manufacture had moved offshore to America - but now I can no longer find any traces of that article - so probably I'm mistaken.
Ho-hum. I had really enjoyed that irony. Amazing how often I come across complaints about Vegemite on the Mug, usually from the same two Muggers. How many people outside Australia have ever actually tasted it?
I haven't used it for scores of years, but after reading the nutritional content on Wikipedia just now, I'm going to experiment with using the low salt version as a stock in some soups and stews.
So, let's see what ya got. OH by the way? I am not giving my credits to anyone. EVER. I have about 500 left before I get to 100,000. You see, at this rate, I will need 20 more years to get to 1,000,000. That means I have to live to 90.