Discussion » Questions » answerMug Members » I’m trying to time the posting of new questions to when Slart and other Aussies are just logging on in the morning.

I’m trying to time the posting of new questions to when Slart and other Aussies are just logging on in the morning.

Will this interfere with their morning Vegemite intake, and if so, which medal will the government bestow upon me?

Saint Randolph

Posted - March 2, 2020


  • 6988
    Someday, perhaps, they will learn to enjoy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
      March 2, 2020 9:53 PM MST

  • 4624
    We do.
    I was quite startled the first time I tried it - absolutely delicious.
    However - also very fattening - so it's a rare treat. :)
      March 2, 2020 11:10 PM MST

  • 17048
    I log in when things get quiet at work, which can be at varying times but rarely before 1pm (Australian Central Daylight Savings Time, GMT +10.30).
    Vegemite on toast is either a breakfast food, or last thing before bed after a heavy drinking session - the vitamin B helps prevent or ameliorate a hangover. Sorry mate, AM doesn't affect that.
      March 2, 2020 11:03 PM MST

  • 4624
    That's sweet of you, Randy. Thank you!

    I'm more active here during the inter-semester breaks and Aussie summer holidays.
    It's true that I'm often here in the near-zero hours of dark of night,
    but them sometimes during the day too.
    I quite often drop in after having done the horses and farmwork, or as a rest break from same.

    Uni has just started back, so I'll be dipping in somewhat less for a while.
    It's late afternoon now, Eastern Standard Summer Time.

    Having a glitch today and have given up on trying to study.
    The librarians are late uploading the PDF's for our lectures and readings.
    Only half the course text-material is online. Have done as much as I can.

    My sleep is not the best.
    Night sweats wake me - can't get back to Nod.
    It varies a lot: 3 nights of 6 hrs sleep to one of 8;
    sometimes no sleep at all,
    sometimes a whole night of being blissfully and totally unconscious.
    I do my best to do all the right things prescribed by the sleep experts,
    but when all that proves futile,
    in the early hours, I'm quite likely to zone in to the Mug.
    Sometimes I have the rip-roaring-est best times grappling with good questions. :)

    Irrespective of whether I've slept or not,
    I start my morning with Satthipattana (mindfulness) meditation at 5.30.

    From 6.30 to 7,
    I enjoy a combination tea (Rooibos + Madura) and a home-made semi-muesli --
    ¼ cup rolled oats, 1 tspn hazelnut dukkha, a handful of dried black currants, topped with local cow's milk and goat's kefir.

    At 7, I go down to the barn where the horses have come in and are waiting for their feed
    - necessary for the calcium supplements because sub-tropical grasses cause osteoporosis.
    If there's time, I'll stay down longer to do a bit of horse-training or some weed-work.

    By 8 or 9, I'm usually back up in this shack we call our home.
    This is when Ari and I will usually try to catch up on the last 24 hrs of our news.
    (At night, we're usually too tired.)

    But on Wednesdays, I leave at 8 for Uni, a two-hour drive.
    I camp overnight in the van and don't return 'till 5ish the next day.
    On-campus, I tend not to tune in to the Mug unless I've finished all my reading and writing for the day.

    On the weekends, Ari will decide whether he prefers Sat or Sun for us to share a day of quality time together.
    So the other day is free for me to do as I wish - which might often be the Mug - or numerous other things -
    unless it's getting close to assignment time and then I'm writing pretty much 8 to 12 hours a day.

    Unfortunately, for you, dear Randy, none of this disrupts my intake of Vegemite because I have none in the house. 
    Did promise the other day that I'd get some to experiment with as a stock for soups and stews, but then forgot. Will get around to it one day.

    So you won't be awarded sainthood this time -
    but if you like I could post you a recipe for my wholemeal rye bread -
    and that would be guaranteed to make gourmet sandwiches.

    This post was edited by inky at March 3, 2020 10:48 AM MST
      March 2, 2020 11:09 PM MST

  • 44748
      March 3, 2020 10:49 AM MST